Kicking ass early in the morning!

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Kicking ass early in the morning

Katerina's POV

I looked at him with my big emerald green eyes that usually got me what I wanted. He looked at me and smirked.

" Well, do you mind getting up a little earlier?" Dimitri questioned smirking at me with his head tilted down.

" NO, of course not." I said shaking my head at him smiling sweetly. " I usually get up around 5 in the morning our time anyways." I said shrugging my shoulders.

We go to school at 8 in the morning our time so I knew this was impressive. I was kind of curious as to why he would ask me this. I tilted my head to the side like a confused dog and looked at him as he laughed at my expression.

" OK then. You can come and train with Rose. But nobody is to know of my allowing you to do so." He said pointing a finger in my face knowing it bothers me.

I grabbed his finger and looked at him with narrowed eyes. " Yes sir." I said shaking his finger around. He chuckled and withdrew his hand while turning on his heal and leaving me alone in the gym.

I smiled and did a happy dance while kicking the air and doing a complicated flip. Did I tell you I also was in gymnastics.. Well I was so its whatever.

I exited to gym with a smile on my face..

I got to my room to see Lissa was no where in sight. I started to panic at first until I felt that she is happy.. I calmed and then she got nervous really nervous. I fought to keep out of her head. I succeeded but I did hear a voice and I did see a face.

it said, " I should have brought my hats." I knew that sarcastic voice. It was none other than one of my new friends.. Christian Ozera. Rose is not going to like this.. I like him, he is nice to me but I can kind of see he doesn't like my sister all to well.

I took a shower using very berry shampoo and conditioner along with body wash and lotion. I am so tired its not even funny. I'm pretty sure I am going to have a bruise on my back where Dimitri slammed me down onto the mat and where I maneuvered just quick enough to where he couldn't pin me.

" Be careful my sister." I mumbled plopping onto my bed knowing Lissa could feel and hear me at he moment. She was, at the moment, overpowered by my emotions of excitement and concern.

I quickly fell asleep falling into a allot of dreams I'm most likely not going to remember.

The next morning I woke up to my alarm clock blaring. It was 5 o clock. I smiled and jumped up. I got gym cloths and threw them into a bag while putting my hair up with one hand. Yea I got skill.

I put on a grey shirt that had a purple dinosaur on it and a light pair of blue jean shorts with purple, grey, and pink shoes.

I ran to Rose's room, knocking on her door. It swung open to reveal a messed up Rose. And by messed up I mean her hair was matted up and she was looking at me like a zombie. My mouth was hanging open wide in shock at seeing her like this though I have seen it before. I closed my mouth walking in and automatically getting cloths out for her to wear and throwing them at her.

As she was getting her pants on I was brushing her hair to perfection. When I was done I ran to the bathroom getting her tooth brush and putting tooth paste on it then handing it to Rose. She quickly brushed her teeth and spitting it out. We both grabbed our bags and made a mad dash to the gym, though I had to slow down numerous times so Rose could keep up.

 Rose and I slid to a stop in front of the gym. We quickly went in to see Dimitri looking at his watch and looking back at us.

" Well I guess Princess Dragomir being here is influencing you Roza. Finally on time.." Dmitri said looking at her.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 28, 2011 ⏰

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