Chapter Eleven

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Weakly, Ichimatsu opened up his eyes, finding himself on top of Karamatsu's casket. But this time, it wasn't a dream. It was real. The demon just knew it was real.

"I'm sorry..." Ichimatsu whispered, his lips quivering as a single tear drop landed on the casket.

And in a bright shining light, Karamatsu appeared above the casket. His arms were open wide in a welcoming hug as he smiled with his eyes closed. The priest's new, huge pure white angelic wings towered over Ichimatsu.

For a moment, the demon was terrified to see Karamatsu. But once he saw the pure man smiling, he knew that the priest wasn't the least bit disappointed in what he had done. Was this what it felt like to be loved? Ichimatsu had no idea.

A tingling sensation ran down Ichimatsu's back as he flapped his weak wings, trying to stay up. But when he turned around, he noticed that his wings were beginning to fall off.

Screaming, Ichimatsu began to panic. And just as the last bit of his wings fell off, Karamatsu grabbed the wingless demon by the hand, wrapping his soft wings around him in a gentle, loving hug.

"Calm down, Ichimatsu," Karamatsu soothed quietly, "I'm right here now. I'm right here for you."

Burying his head in the priest's shoulder, Ichimatsu stopped crying. His pounding heart slowed to a steady beat as the priest rubbed his back, calming his nerves.

"I'm sorry I left you alone, Ichimatsu," the pure man said, but the demon no longer cared. All of his feelings of loneliness had left him. Why would he want to even think of being alone again?

Closing his eyes, Ichimatsu inhaled, taking deep breaths as he wrapped his arms around Karamatsu's neck, hugging him.

"Has your dream come true yet?" Karamatsu asked, and Ichimatsu nodded his head.

"As long as I'm with you...I feel safe. I still don't know what this other feeling is that I keep feeling...but I can't help but wonder...if this is what it feels like to be loved..." Ichimatsu replied.

"You have other wishes too, don't you?" Karamatsu asked. "Tell them to me. I can help you."

"I wish I wasn't a worthless demon. I don't want to have a filthy heart. I want to stay with you for eternity. Not all alone in Hell..." Ichimatsu murmured, scared that Karamatsu would drop him on the ground and tell him to leave his sight. That's what Osomatsu would do if he asked from something so impossible.

Karamatsu gently placed Ichimatsu on the ground.

Dread began to flood Ichimatsu's mind as he did this. Was he really just going to be like Osomatsu? Perhaps Karamatsu would spit on him then send him back to Hell.

But no, to Ichimatsu surprise, Karamatsu bent down to the damaged demon and rested his hands on his broken legs.

"Come with me, Ichimatsu. Let me take you to a place where happiness never ends. Let me bring you to paradise," Karamatsu said, then removed his hands off of Ichimatsu's legs.

And just like that, the once damaged demon regained all energy and life in his legs.

Standing up, Karamatsu held out his hand, and Ichimatsu quickly took it, yet he found he didn't need help to stand up.

Walking a few shaky steps, a huge smile spread across Ichimatsu's face. It didn't hurt anymore. Nothing hurt at all.

Ichimatsu threw himself into Karamatsu, crying tears of joy.

"Thank you! Thank you!" he gasped.

"My brother, not only have you been healed, but you are no longer a demon. Your filthy soul has been cleansed," Karamatsu said, his voice showing great dignity and authority once again.

And as Ichimatsu clung to the priest, Karamatsu flapped his strong angel wings, taking them both to the sky.

~ The End ~

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