Erotica 1

250 11 2


Kisa stretched his tired limbs as he studied his surroundings, the cat that looked like a kitten swished his tail before trotting proudly into the street searching for the next person he could live with for a while. He'd been a stray for as long as he could remember and lived off of the kindness of others, but he always searched for people with beautiful faces. He wasn't much of a house cat and he found that the more beautiful people tended to only want him to show off to their friends before leaving him again. Although deep down all he wanted was an owner to love and keep him as theirs, he just hadn't found the right one yet.

He saw a group of giggling girls and knew a beautiful man was close, he peered around their legs and felt his heart stop. This man was not just beautiful, he was like a prince. His perfectly sculpted face, his dazzling eyes and smile, even the way he carried himself screamed royalty. Kisa knew that he would love to make this man his owner, there was just one problem. For the first time in his life, Kisa was too nervous to approach this man. His beauty had stunned him to the core and he couldn't bring himself to looks at his beautiful sparkliness for too long.

Yukina smiled at the group of girls huddling around him his smile alone was enough to convince them to buy the manga he was in charge of selling. They all picked up a copy and ran for the till after Yukina promised to see them again when the volume came out. He looked at the clock and saw it was the end of his shift. He went to the back of the shop, hung up his apron and pulled on his fur-lined coat and slung his messenger bag over his shoulder.

Kisa watched as the prince left work and couldn’t take his eyes off of him. He stood in the middle of the pavement, everything else a blur except the brilliant, golden blonde that the cat instantly came to love. Just from that brief sighting, Kisa was sure this man was the one.

This pattern repeated itself for the next few weeks. The infatuated cat would wait around the corner and watch the man work with that stunning and constant smile on his face. Kisa enjoyed watching him work, though he knew he would never pluck up the courage to actually go up to the man, he felt attached to him already.

It didn’t take Yukina long to notice the black kitten watching him every day. He worried that the kitten had nowhere to go, but in between his job and his studies, it didn’t give him any free time to see the kitten. Though after nearly a month of watching the kitten watch him, he managed to take a day off wok and hopefully help the cute little kitten.

Yukina showed up just like he always did but something was different, Kisa watched carefully as the man, instead of going into the book shop, headed straight towards Kisa. The cat panicked and tried to run away, but before he got anywhere, Yukina had scooped him into his arms and was gently stroking him on the back. Kisa sank into the warmth and allowed himself to be carried wherever the prince wanted to go. Kisa had gotten what he wanted and he felt happy that this beautiful man would look after him. Even if only for a little while.

Yukina found the kitten adorable as he snuggled into his chest, he laughed quietly and held the small kitten in one hand as he fished his apartment key from his bag. He flipped on the apartment lights, momentarily startling the kitten in his arms, before putting him down and allowing him to explore the tiny apartment.

Kisa found a spot on the sofa that was more worn than the rest, he looked curiously at it and saw lots of spots of dry paint dotting the sofa, the coffee table and even along the lower parts of the wall. He sniffed at the paint and something caught his eye, a small canvas mounted on the easel in the corner of the room showed a skilled painting of a black cat peering around a wall, Kisa quickly realized it was him and looked up at the prince in surprise. He obviously hadn’t been as sly as he’d thought, but this made him happy. Happy that the prince would take his own time to paint him. The cat looked at the painting with a mixture of pride and embarrassment.

Yukina noticed the kitten looking at the painting and crouched down next to him. “Do you like it?” Kisa looked up at the sound of the sultry voice and then back at the painting, wondering if he was a student.

The prince rose to his feet and created a little bed out of old, paint-crusted shirts. “I’ll try and find you something nicer once I get paid.” Kisa padded over to the little bundle of shirts by the sofa and gingerly stepping onto them, he was surprised by how soft they were. He pawed the material and found himself a comfy spot before lying down and stretching out his paws. The prince’s scent wrapped around him, a wonderful mix of soap, paint and something a little spicy that was his unique scent.

Yukina smiled as he saw the kitten had settled down but started to worry that maybe he wouldn’t be able to afford the expenses on top of all the other bills and living costs. He barely had enough money as it was, most of his wages went towards his art course. He sank down onto the sofa and pulled a scrap piece of paper he’d used to sketch on and jotted down his finances. He bit the top of his pen as he worked out what he would have to cut back on in order to keep the adorable kitten with him. He looked down at the kitten curled up on his shirts and knew that he couldn’t get rid of this kitten, even if it meant cutting back on his food he would take care of the lonely looking animal.

He chucked the paper and pen on to the cluttered table and stretched his arms above his head, he couldn’t take his eyes from the kitten and leaned over the arm of the sofa to pet his cute head. He smiled to himself before making his way to bed.

Isa woke early the next morning aft the best night’s sleep he’s had in a long time. He shook the tiredness from his body and trotted over to the open door where he could hear the prince’s gentle snores. He nudged the door open and saw Yukina had starfished on his bed, his long limbs hanging off the edges of the single bed. The small amount of light that snuck through the gap in the curtains showed off the golden tones in his hair and the unblemished, milk skin glowed in the dim light.

Kisa jumped gracefully onto the bed and climbed onto the prince’s gently rising and falling chest. The cat moved carefully so he didn’t wake the man and slowly inched forward so their noses were almost touching. Up close, Kisa could see the long, brown eyelashes brushing his cheeks and was about to move away when Yukina opened his eyes and screamed.

Kisa yowled in surprise and leapt off, charging from the room to hide under the sofa. He didn’t know why the prince suddenly decided to scream in his face like that but it terrified and annoyed him. He didn’t understand what he’d done wrong to cause the prince to do that and as he heard the bed sheets rustling he hid further under the sofa.

Yukina woke to see the kitten staring at him, the sudden appearance shocked him and before he could stop himself he’s let out a scream that scared the poor thing. He ran his hands down his face before looking at the clock by his bed and seeing it was only 7am. His class wasn’t until 12pm that day so he normally took this opportunity to stay in bed for an extra few hours to catch up on all the hours he’d missed studying during the rest of the week. He groaned and ruffled his hair before climbing out of bed to find the kitten.

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