Terrorist 1

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Miyagi looked down at the sandy-coloured kitten that had followed him around for the past month and sighed heavily. The kitten was outside of his apartment door, it’s small, fluffy body wrapped in a ball. Miyagi sighed again, he would have to wake the kitten up so that he could actually get inside, this would just result in the pitiful cry of the kitten outside his door unless he relented and let the poor thing in.

He nudged the squishy abdomen of the kitten and it woke instantly, jumping to its feet and looking up at Miyagi with big, round, grey eyes. It mewled softly and ruffled its fur before winding around Miyagi’s legs, the man was half-tempted to push it away but felt a pang of sympathy and opened his apartment door, allowing the kitten to scamper inside.

Shinobu dashed inside the warm apartment before the man could change his mind like he sometimes did, chasing him out with a loud bark and slamming the door in his face. The kitten had run away from home a month ago after spotting this man talking to his owner in the office. He was a professor at some high school and Shinobu was sometimes brought into work by his owner because he hated being alone. As soon as his grey eyes had seen the tall, handsome man, he knew it was destiny that had brought them together. He’d followed the professor out of the office and trailed him around school the whole day, attracting a lot of attention from the students that annoyed Miyagi to no end. He’d eventually snapped and kicked the kitten out of his office so he could get some work done away from the squealing and cooing female students.

Shinobu took his usual spot in the apartment, next to the sofa where Miyagi sat to mark papers he didn’t finish in the office or read a book. The raven-haired man collapsed onto the sofa and glanced down to see the kitten already snuggled up on the floor next to his feet and felt a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips. Just before the kitten had appeared, he’d been through the messy divorce with his ex and the loneliness of single life was starting to set it. The kitten had appeared and little by little emptiness was being filled and Miyagi couldn’t help but feel a little fondness for the furball, not that he’d ever let on to his feelings. He treated the kitten the same as he always had.

Shinobu stretched his paws after a long nap and looked up to see Miyagi had fallen asleep on the sofa, his tie loosened, his jet hair ruffled and his gentle snores filling the silent apartment. The kitten stretched once more before leaping delicately on to the sofa and gingerly padding up the man’s chest so they were face to face. He liked the warmth that seeped through the thin, white shirt and his ears twitched to catch more of the soft snores that the kitten found a little cute. He dipped his head to the side and watched as the man’s eyes began to move beneath his eyelids, his brows furrowed and a slight pained expression crossed his face.

The kitten nudged him under the chin with his little pink nose, trying to wake him up but not wanting to startle him. After a few attempts at this, the kitten stopped and mewled quietly, not sure how to wake the man from his clearly distressing and painful dream. He shuffled forward a little and pressed the side of his face to Miyagi’s cheek, allowing a slight purr as he felt the smoothness under the slight stubble where Miyagi hadn’t shaved. Shinobu gave Miyagi’s cheek one last nudge before settling himself on Miyagi’s chest, just beneath his chin after the man had finally calmed down a little.

The professor woke the next morning to feel something warm on his chest, he looked down and saw the kitten fast asleep, with its front and back legs stretched out in a cute way. He reached up a hand and gently tickled the kitten behind its ears, causing him to purr in his sleep and change his position to be closer to the warmth of Miyagi’s hand. The raven-haired man closed his eyes and took a deep breath before gently lifting the kitten into his arms and getting to his feet. The kitten was woken by the movement and grey eyes blinked sleepily up at Miyagi. The professor looked at the clock on the wall and saw he still had another few hours before he had to leave for work, his stomach rumbled unhappily having not eaten anything the previous night. He set the kitten down on the sofa and stumbled tiredly into the kitchen to prepare his breakfast and promised himself a shower afterwards.

Shinobu watched the man as he cooked and saw the tension in his shoulders, unconsciously still aware of the dream that had caused him so much pain. The kitten jumped onto the back of the sofa and sat there to wait for his own food, it wasn’t often that Miyagi had anything for him to eat because he normally ate in the office at school where his real owner would wait for him but he enjoyed eating in Miyagi’s house. It was what he looked forward to every morning though he was usually disappointed, he didn’t let it get to him because he knew that he still had a whole day left of following the man around.

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