~chapter 2~ "my life will change...forever"

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-beep, beep, beep- I smack my alarm clock off and groaned. "ugh...I hate school...." I get out of bed and a pain in my back started again. I then remember what happened last night.... I shaked my head and tryed to forget it all.

I stumbled into the bathroom and took a shower.

I then got out and started to brush my blonde hair that reached to about my elbows. I then put on a blue long sleave shirt with navy blue jeans and some black and white converse. I looked into the mirror and see I have a scar on my forehead from one of my dads blows to the head. I move my hair in front of it and try to smile in the mirror like everything was ok.

I went down stairs and made myself breakfest. as I was I could still hear my dad snoring on the couch. I finish eating my pancakes and left for school.

I was walking to school when I got the strangest feeling like....I was being watched? I quickly turned around but no one was there. I keeped walking trying to shake the feeling off but I could'nt. I keeped getting that feeling were the hairs on the back of you neck stand up...ya that feeling. I hate it.

I then turned around again. "w-who's there?!...i-if its a stalker then...leave me alone you sick-o!" I then looked around again and nobody was there? I sighed frustrated and ran to school. I was'nt going to take anymore chances to almost being stalked or worst..raped.

I get to school out of breath. I hunched over and gasping for air. when I finally catch my breath I feel someone bump into me and wrap me in a tight hug. I let out a small yell of pain. of course though...I new who it was... "ahh!! I missed you so much kaylie!! I almosted died this summer without you!!" she pouted like a kid.

"ya I missed you too Christian..." I gave a small smile and rubbed my back that she almost broke a few minutes ago.

"by the way....why did you yell like that? did I really scare you that bad?" she raised a eyebrow and made a evil grin. I could'nt tell her about...what's going on in my life right now....I know she's my best friend... well only friend that is but if I tell her....then....

I laughed a bit. "I guess you did..." I say turning around and crossing my arms. "or not." I laughed.

"hey!" she laughed and slaped me lightly on the arm.

we then made are way to first period. as we were walking I remembered I did'nt get my new class schedule.

"oh! I almost forgot....I did'nt get my new schedule for my classes. I'll go to the office and get it real quick" I said walking away. Christian then grabed my arm and pulled me back a bit.

"no! you can't just leave me to go to my new class alone?! what if there's boys trying to look up my skirt or flirt with me?! or worst!...nerds!" she said in a squicky voice. I laughed. "fine...then come with me to the official crybaby" I smiles poking her nose. she frowned.

" no. I hate going there. the teachers always look at me weird like I'm a slut or something!" she crossed her arms. I sighed. 'mabye its because you were sometimes low cut tops and short skirts'

"fine then just stay here gezz..." I pulled away from her grasp and walked to the official. I then think on my way there....how did me and her become friends? I then smile a bit. mabye cause were both crazy and fun...

I get to the office and wait in line from my schedule. as I was waiting I spotted a guy outside the office window looking straight as me. I got a chill that ran down my spine. he had deep blue-ish gray eyes that were stairing directly into my eyes. like he was trying to...read my mind or something? he had black hair that was spiked up in the front and a faded green shirt with jeans and a black hoddie.

I could'nt stop straining at him it was like my eyes would'nt move  and....it felt like time stoped its self. he was...actually...really attractive...wait what am I saying?! he looks like his going to kill me with that death stair and....I can't seem to look away either.

"dear....dear......MISS!" I got smacked back into reality with the official lady's voice for me to come up next. I shoke my head and moved forward in line.

"um...I was wondering if I could get my schedule for my classes?"

"oh yes dear! of course!" she then opened a draw and got out a folder that said k on it. she skimmed through papers and took out a piece of paper and showed it to me.

"is this you dear?....kaylie Silvia?" I nodded and she handed me the paper.

"well,there you go sweetie have a nice day"

"oh ya..thanks...you too." I smiled and turned to leave. I then remember the guy standing outside the window stairing at me. I took a glance back at the window and he was gone. "hm..." I shrugged and walked to my first period.

the day ended and I found out I had all periods with Christian. I was happy. at least I would have one good thing out of everyday. I smiles happyly as I walked back home. I got home and my dad was yelling into a phone. I could tell he was drunk again.

I tryed to slip past him to go up stairs to my room but he cought me by my hair and yanked me to the floor. I shriked in pain.

"II-I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!! GG-GO THEN...AND DON'T EVER C-COME BACK YOU BITCH!!" he yelled once more before hanging up the phone. I rubbed my head were he pulled my hair. "w-who was that?...." I said quitely. he looked at me and then frowned a bit.

"I-it was a b-bitch I fucked y-yesterday....I though she was the one but....SHE FUCKIN' LEFT ME!! JUST LIKE YOUR FUCK MOTHER DID! WOMAN ARE ASSHOLES! THERE WORTHLESS PIECES OF SHIT!" he yelled then laughed.

I then could'nt hold in my rage and I had to speak up....I had to say something! I could'nt let him talk about my mom like that or woman! were not trash! I had it!


I looked at my dad and his face was furious. he then smirked and grabes me by my hair again. "DON'T YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU WASTE OF A DAUGHTER!! I'M YOUR FUCKIN FATHER WEITHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!! NOW I'M GOING TO TEACH YOU HOW TO FUCKIN RESPECT YOUR FATHER YOU UNGRATFUL BITCH!!" I yelled out in pain.

he then throw me to the ground and got on top of me. I struggled to push him off but could'nt. he then leaned down and whispered in my ear. "your not going anywere tonight.." he then chuckled and kisses my neck. my eyes widen and I yelled and screamed and struggled to get away from him. he...he...my father was....going to rape me!!! I yell even louder and he covers my mouth and starts to choke me with his other hand gripped around my neck. I gasp for air but none entered my lung.

"h-help.....m-me...." was all I managed to say. my dad chuckled and tightened his grip around my neck. "NO ONE IS GOING TO HEAR YOU!! SO DON'T EVEN TRY!! YOUR MINE TODAY!" He smirked. I cryed more and my neck was throbing and dry and hurting. I tryed removing his hands but it did'nt work. I yelled more and then....

*that's when it happened.....when my life.... would change....forever....*

his hands tightened even more on my neck and I hear and felt something snap. my eyes widen and I stoped yelling. I tryed again but nothing came out. I cryed and cryed....I was scared.....scared that my dad would rape me and...that I could'nt talk....why is this happenung to me?.....why?

I then bite down hard on my dads hand till I tasted blood. he yelled and let go of me. I then got up and ran out of the house as fast as I could. I ran faster and faster.....more....and more till I could'nt feel my legs. I then felt dizzy and felt like throwing up and suddenly....I felt like I was falling....

the last thing I saw was.....some blue-ish gray eyes looking down at me then.............

..........everything went black.

HEY GUYS, hoped you likes this chapter. I think I did pretty good on it. right? LOL well anyways please comment and vote. and thanks for reading my book! ^^

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