~chapter 7 "need to get out of here?!"

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I mind linked to madison. Vincent's mate to keep Kylie compeny. I'm sure they'll get along....


I sit on the bed looking around the room like a idiot. well...what else could I do? I was bored. I tryed once or twice to try and talk but no results came from that except my throat throbbing in pain.

ugh! I hate this! I...I just want to go home.....wait. no...I can't go home. 'he' will still be there....my dad. I was beatened and bruised there. I can't go back. I even lost my voice cause of him. but....I don't know these people...I don't no that guy?...Lucas. for all I no he could be that type that you think is nice and sweet but....ends up kidnapping you and rape you!.....that's right! he kidnapped me! I-I can't stay here! what if I get hurt again!!

I gently took the blankets off of me and moved my legs off the bed one by one. my feet then touch the cold tiled floor and I flinch a bit. I feel kind of dizzy and weak but I have to keep trying!

I then grabbed the edge of the table that was by the bed I was on and tryed to stand up holding myself on that. I then felt my body weight suddenly get heavy and I almost  colapsed but I shakily pulled myself up.

I cant give up now!

I took small steps to the door and right as I was about to open it the door flinged open and I fell back on my butt. I mouthed an 'ouch' knowing that I could'nt speak. I then heard someone like a girl screech.

"Omg! I'm so sorry!!!! here let me help you!" she then picked me up by the arm like I weighed nothing. the girls got strength. I then looked up and saw a girl with red hair and bright green eyes. she was pretty. she then gave me a smile.

"I think you should take a seat Kylie.. and by the way. my names Madison" she said smiling as she moving me to the bed again. wait...how did she know my name?!

I then grabed the white board and started to write.

"how did you know my name?".  she looked at it and smiled again to me.

"oh. well the alpha told me." she stated like what she said was normal. what the heck was an 'alpha'?

I raised a eyebrow. "what's an...alpha?" I said. I then see her face freeze and she went a bit pale and said underneath her breath.

'he's going to kill me...'

"oh well...he'll tell you everything when he comes back...ok?" she said going back to her bright smile.

"who's he?" I wrote down.

"Lucas of course. he's got quite a eye on you Kylie. he told me like ten times to make sure you were safe and to tell him if you felt sick again...." she said. I felt my heart cringe a bit. and my cheeks go warm.

he actually...was worryed about me? I though...kidnapper's did'nt really care who they kidnapped? I then wrote down fast on the board.

" do you by any chance know a way out of here?"  her eyes widen a bit in suprise.

"yes, but....why?"

"I need to get out of here! I was kidnapped when I went unconscious in the woods and he brought me here...I need...I need to get back home..." I lied knowing even if I do leave....I have no were to go...

she tilted her head and slightly smiled like she was amused at what I just wrote down.

"Lucas did'nt kidnapp you Kylie. Its hard to explain but....he'll tell you when he returns..." she stated picking up my hand and holding it in hers. I frowned a bit child like.

"why can't you just tell me?...and how do you consider this not kidnapping?!" I wrote. she giggled.

"like I said Lucas will explain everything....but I can tell you this. Lucas did not kidnapp you. would a kidnapper held all your cuts and bruises and get you back to good health?" she tilted her head and raised a eyebrow. my eyes widen a bit. she was right....he...helped me.

I touch the bandage on my neck again and slightly smiled.

"ya...I guess that's true.." I wrote. she giggled again and pulled my hand lightly.

"hey! why don't I make you a sandwich and after that we go watch some scary movies?" she smiled excitedly. I smiled back and noded and she jumped up and down clapping her hands like a kid. I laughed a bit. but of course it could'nt be heard. she then left the room to make me a sandwich for me and get movies to watch.

after I eat the sandwich she made I felt like a million bucks! I did'nt feel weak anymore and my throat did'nt hurt as much. Is she a witch or something cause I swere she put a spell on that sandwich. we then walked out of the room into this huge living room with a red carpit and light red furniture. and a huge flat screen t.v on the wall. it was....beautiful.

I guess she saw that I had my mouth hanging open cause she giggled.

"big huh? Lucas always likes big spaces. his a bit clastrafobic.." she laughed. I smiled.

we then sat on the couch and she put in a movie that Iamazined was a scary movie cause she brought out a blanket and slippers and sat beside me. I laughed a bit. I love scary movies. there my favorite!

the movie started and Madison was already holding my arm and her head on my shoulder. I smiled. and wrote down on the white board beside me.

"lol the movie has'nt even gotten scary yet?"

she read it and frowned childish like.

" I know....just getting myself ready is all..." she said giving me a fake smile. I could'nt help but laugh.

"hey! dont laugh at m--" she was cut of by the loud chainsaw noise on the movie. she then screeched and hid her head in my arm. I smirked. this movie is a piece of cake....the problem though for me is....if I can stay awake. I always happened to fall asleep during scary movies. but not this time!...I am hoping....


hey guys! I just want to say I am having some difficulties with wattpad right now. for some reason its only uploading half of my stories I update. and its kinda pissing me off. :( I hope I can fix that. but till then. hope you guys liked this chapter!

Thx ^^


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