Chapter 9# the truth will be set free

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I walk to my office in the mansion and slam the door shut making the whole room shake. I ran a hand through my hair and started to pace back and forth in front of my desk were I do my pack planning. I then punch my desk and made a low growl.

"w-what the hell am I doing? agh!" and once again my fist made contact with the desk. I then heard Madison drawing near. and heard her knock on the door. I sighed angryly.


"I just came by to see if you were ok is all..."

"oh. I'm fine. just fucking peachy Madison!" I frowns sitting in my chair as I reclined in it. I heard the door unlock and Madison comes in with a sigh and sits down in the chair in front of the desk.

"Look lucas. you need to understand that your mates a human... she does'nt know what's going on? she thinks you could have kidnapped her and raped her" she said. I look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"hey, she said that same thing about kidnapped and raping did you know that?" she looked at me with a smug smirk and shrugged.

"well when you hear your yelling from the top floor of the mansion you don't really need our wolf super hearing to hear that.." she giggled. I shook my head and chuckled a bit.

"anyway. its going to be hard to persuade her that your a good guy and only want to protect her. and its not going to be easy sence she's a bit stubborn..."

"hey! watch your mouth. that's my mate your talking about!" I said with a deep growl. she then nodded and put her hands up in surrender.

"I'm just kiding Lucas. she's an amazing girl. I already think of her like my sister. I've always wanted a sister too!" she smiles big. "...and I think you'll find a way to persuaded her. I mean come on. its Lucas were talking about here. doesn't he gets all the ladys" she said raising a eyebrow tilting her head. I chuckle a bit.

"Tch. whatever....but I guess your right. she can be stubborn." I said laughing.

"damn if I knew it was this hard to find a mate...." I paused for a sec than slightly smiled.

"I'd probably still do it over again. because she's just to beautiful to forget..."

I then heard someone tap on the door again.

"damn you smell that? ...shit bro. to much love. it stinks. I can smell you from the kitchen" Vincent said and I got up and put him in a head lock and gave him a nuggy.

"ah!...o-ok! I won't say anything else!" he said trying to pull away from my grasp. I laughed and let go of him.

"you better not idiot. I did'nt say anything when you found Madison. you guys were all lovey dovey all day. you don't know how many times I wanted to just kick you guys out to get a room." I said crossing my arms over my chest with a smug look.

he smirked and leaned against the office door.

"what can I say? she just could'nt stay away from me. I mean who would'nt? look at this body" he motioned to his body.

"all dem ladys want this" he smirked. I laughed but not for long cause Madison was on his tail and yanked his ear. "next time remember your girlfriend is in the room dumbass!" she slapped his cheek and dragged him out of the office weal he yelled in pain holding his cheek. 

"you should be nicer to Madison vincent. if your wise" I chuckle then added.  "cause without her. I'm sure no girl would look at you buddy.. " I laughed harder weal I saw him frown as Madison pulled him to the living room. with that I closed the door and walked back to my chair as I heared a sigh come from the living room which most likely came from Vincent. he was most likely getting the mate talk with Madison. ha. well he deserve it after saying all that shit infront of her. but his pretty lucky he has madison or he'd end up literally being a 'alone wolf'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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