Chapter 1

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It had been hard for Beca to focus on her music in the morning because of the chaos that was happening around the house constantly. With her Aunt being late for work to her younger cousin refusing to get up 4 out of 5 mornings, eventually she gave up with trying to write or record in a morning and opted to do it after school instead, when she knew everyone was out. 

She had been into music her entire life, but hated showcasing it. She came from a family of incredible singers and musicians and she was no exception. Despite her talent, she had, what she considered to be, a pretty normal life. Both her parents were high up in the military but her mom was killed in action when she was a child and because her dad was very rarely home, as a family they all decided that it was best for her to live with her aunt and cousin in New York. They only planned for it to last a few months while her dad finished up his duties in Texas. That was 8 years ago. When her dad saw how happy she was to have a stable home life, he decided it was in her best interest for him to stay in Texas and visit her as much as he could, which honestly wasn't very often. When she was younger, she definitely noticed that her dad wasn't calling or visiting much, but in the past couple of years she's gotten so busy, she hasn't had time to notice.

Beca was also a pretty popular girl at school, and was the captain of the girls' soccer team. But between her efforts with her music at home and her efforts with her soccer at school, her grades started to slip. Badly. Not to the point of failing her senior year, but she wasn't about to get given an acceptance letter to an Ivy League School any time soon either. At the start of her senior year, she went to the school guidance councillor for advice on what she should do in terms of college. The councillor gave her three viable options after looking at her grades over the last year. She was told that she had a very good chance at getting a Full Scholarship to Barden University for sports, she could apply to a community college and then try for a major college after she'd gotten some good grades there or she could join the military with her father. She knew that Barden was her dream college, but was still a little conflicted about what to do. She went home that day and printed off the application forms for Barden and now they've been sat on her desk for months. 

Graduation was less than 2 weeks away and she still hadn't filled in the papers, so there went her chances of getting into Barden. She hadn't filled out any college applications yet, so it seemed like she was either taking a gap year or she was joining the army. Beca had run out of choices now. And time. Every morning she would stare at the application forms on her desk and then throw them in her drawer and then promptly take them back out again.  She was abruptly snatched out of her thoughts by the faint voice of her aunty calling her from the bottom of the stairs.

"Beca! Come on hun, You're gonna be late for school if you don't get a wriggle on!"

Beca sighed softly and made the final decision to put her application into her drawer and ran downstairs, ripping her bag off the back of her chair as she left. She jogged down the stairs, while simultaneously putting her arms through the straps of her bag to settle it on her back.

"I'm here! Come on Em, let's go!" She went into the kitchen to get her cousin's attention while she picked up something for her breakfast and to get some money for her lunch. Her and her aunt took alternate days to pick up and drop Emily off at school, and today was Beca's day to drop her off. Emily looked up at the older teenager with a mouth full of cereal.

"Gimme two minutes" She mumbled with bits of Lucky Charms crumbs dotted around her mouth. Beca chuckled and shook her head at the state of her before turning to her aunt. 

"Remember that I've got a soccer game tonight, and I'm probably gonna go out after the game, so Emily's probably gonna have to get the bus tonight, unless you're coming to watch this time?" She asked her aunt, with a slight hopeful tone to her voice. It was rare that she could make it to games, but because it was her last one of her high school life, Beca was really hoping she would be there.  Her Aunt turned around from the sink, where she was cleaning up the last few breakfast dishes.

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