Chapter 7

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The meeting with the coach was fairly quick. It was just as Beca expected, she was introduced to her by Maxwell and introduced to some of the existing team, who like to come onto campus early to play some friendly games between them before try-outs and practise officially start in a few weeks. The newly appointed captain had asked Beca if she wanted to join them, considering she was already here but the brunette calmly and politely declined. The girls on the team gave her a surprised look based on what they'd heard about her then Beca explained that it had been a pretty busy day already and she wanted to be at her best when she played for the first time so she could keep up. 

Once she'd explained her reasoning, everyone understood and offered for her to watch them play instead. Beca took the girls up on that offer and sat on the front row of the stands as they warmed up and started the game. They played for a few hours altogether, including the warm up and warm downs. While they were doing their cool down, Beca snuck away and made her way back to the house. She decided early on into the walk that she was going to take the longer way back, so she could explore the campus a bit more as she really didn't have time to do it earlier. She gazed along each pathway and side street, taking in and memorizing everything that was there. She noted that there was a few cute little coffee shops and cafe's as well as some generic smaller grocery stores scattered around, besides the obvious student stores for school merch and stationary with the college logo on it for those kids who really got into the whole school spirit thing. Pretty soon, depending on how the season goes, Beca could have her own replica soccer shirt in those stores. She also passed the student centre and the library which she knew she'd need sooner or later. Once she'd rounded the corner from the student centre, she noticed a few small groups of freshmen who were getting a head-start on moving into their dorms, just like she did. The groups were being helped by what looked like some of the older students. One of the freshmen looked over in her general direction and Beca instantly averted her eyes to the floor to avoid eye contact. She wasn't really into socialising with anyone besides Chloe right now so she walked the rest of the way home with her eyes firmly aimed at the floor.  

When Beca arrived back at the house, she heard a slight commotion outside and raised her head to see what was going on. She saw that Chloe was outside with her parents, unloading boxes from the car and truck. Beca felt a smile creep onto her face and she jogged over to help them. By the looks of things and the amount of boxes that still had to be taken inside, everyone had only just got there. She got over to the truck and got stuck in straight away, helping Chloe's mom carry some of the heavier boxes into the house and upstairs while Chloe and her dad were unloading them from the vehicles. Beca had actually forgotten how much stuff that they brought between the two of them because it seemed to her that every time she would come back out from dropping a box in their room, 5 more would appear on the floor outside. It took about half an hour between the 4 of them to unload and lug all the boxes inside. All that was left now was the job of unpacking them all, which seemed even more complicated than bringing them in. 

Beca and Chloe's room was entirely empty when they first came in, so the girls and Chloe's parents started by looking at the plan of the room that the pair had put together during those few days that Chloe was at Beca's place over the summer. Chloe had decided on a double Ottoman bed with  Princess style posts going around it, while Beca had decided on a floating bed frame so she could trick it out and put lights underneath it. Beca was pretty handy when it came to DIY, so she made a start on building her own bed while Chloe's dad made a start on her bed on the other side of the room, While Chloe and her mom started opening all the boxes ready for the closets to built. Building the beds took them a little longer than they expected, especially Chloe's bed as a one man job. Once the frames of the bed had been built, they brought the mattresses in from just outside the room and decided to take a break from unpacking.

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