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bub: hello Pal! :D

cutie: pal?

bub: yes, Pal

cutie: wtf no dont ever call me that again, one of my friends already calls me that and its annoying :(

bub: okay sorry:(

bub: but how was your day?

cutie: it was great! i hung out with one of my friends or may i say.. my crush and he actually hugged me a lot :D how was your day?

bub: thats cute and i had a really nice day! i did the same thing, i hung out with my bestest friend too and we did some fun stuff :)

cutie: cool!!! u and i should totally hang out soon

bub: yes of course! but it'll Probably take some time until i can show you my face, i'm really shy :(

cutie: it's okay, as long as you're a good person irl ok???

bub: im a great Person so youre really lucky ;);););)

cutie: GJKGJRO was that supposed to be cute or sexual

bub: u decide ;););)

cutie: bye idiot

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