Founding Fathers

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"We are the true heirs to the vision of Thomas Jefferson. Democracy and freedom live on in Pacifica." He looked at the dirty teenagers, sitting on prefabricated plastic chairs in a circle. Some of them looked half-feral. They were just there for the meal, most of them didn't give a shit about getting an education, let alone about Pacifica or the war. "Did any of you read last week's pamphlet about the continental congress?"

A hand shot up. It was a girl whose name Tracy couldn't remember. "Mr. Ott, did you know that congress is another word for fucking?" She asked. The boys all snickered.

Donald, a small fifteen year old with a scar on his forehead, seemed interested all of a sudden. He leaned forward in his chair. "Is that pamphlet really about fucking?" He asked.

"Yes Donald." Tracy said. "It's all about fucking, you should read it."

"No," the girl whose name Tracy couldn't remember said, "it's about these old guys who started the country back in olden times..."

"I'm glad you read it Ms..." Tracy tilted his head toward the girl. She'd only been to two classes, so he didn't feel too bad about not remembering her name.

"Monet." She said.

"I'm glad you read it Monet. Tell us what you learned."

"All these old guys would get together and bitch about how the king of England was being all cunty about taxes and whatnot. It was all guys and no girls, so I'm thinking it was some kind of secret fag-club where they could indulge their fuck-preferences 'cause back then being a fag would get you burned at the stake."

The other students were fascinated by Monet's take on history, and Tracy had been teaching long enough to know not to fight for control of the room. "I'm sure some of them were homosexual." Tracy said. "And they would've kept it hidden back then, although they wouldn't have been burned at the stake. If queer history is a topic that interests you Monet, there's some good literature on the subject in the school library."

There was laughter and a few woos, as if Tracy had implied she was a lesbian. She smiled. "I just think it's hot when people are fucking like horny little bunnies but they have to keep it secret because it's supposed to be wrong." The room was silent as everyone watched Tracy for his reaction. "Where is Missy today?" She added as if she hadn't already made herself clear.

Tracy felt himself turn red. "I don't know." He said. "Let's try to stay on topic. Can anyone tell me why American history is important to learn right now? Does anyone see any parallels between the founding father's time and our own?" Nobody in the group had any idea why American history might be important to learn right then, and no one saw any parallels either. They just wanted to eat, and if the conversation wasn't about fucking they weren't going to participate.

Tracy was just going through the motions as a teacher, he knew he was just another old face to his students. He didn't care enough to try to break through anymore, and he felt guilty about it. The last student he had cared about, he'd cared too much, and now she was gone. Missy. Missing.

"She'll come back, just like last time." He said to Cameron. She was worried about him and had invited him for an after-work beer. She was the only person he knew who wasn't judgmental about his love for the girl. Cameron had a husband and kids at home, so she'd seen some of the confusion that life could breed. She'd told Tracy that he was going to lose his job over the relationship, but he told her he didn't care. He was in love with Missy, and that was all that mattered.

"It's been a week." Cameron said. "Did you check the unit?"

"Yeah, I checked the one she was in last time and two others."

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