Chapter 1

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Kehlani's pov

DAAMMN... was the only thing I could sigh out as I looked at her long dark curly hair, her smooth chocolate skin, her deep brown eyes, & her legs ran on forever, ohh & lets not forget about her nice big... KEHLANI! HELLO EARTH TO YO BIG HEAD ASS.

I was snapped out of my daily day dreaming about Normani by my dumb best friend Jordun. WHAT! I semi yelled back.

"Your doing it again" he answered back while shaking his head. " I was wasn't I shiit". Our friend Zendaya came from around the corner & walked up to us in front of our lockers.

Zendaya looked between the both of us & already knew what happened after she saw the hopeless expression on my face. "Come on Keh how long are you gonna keep drooling over her". "Hey I don't drool", "girl guess again & wipe that chin" Jordun said while chuckling." You know what fuck ya" I began to walk to my 1st period class.

I heard Jordun & Zendaya running behind to catch up to me, once they caught up Zendaya wrapped her arm around my shoulder "look we're sorry Keh" Jordun nodded in agreement "yea babe we just want you to be happy & just stop running after her like a lost puppy". " Don't worry J trust me she enjoys being chased, imma get my girl". Zen & J began shaking their heads while smiling " yea mhmm you betta get her becuase you been at this since 9th grade" Jordun said.

As we continued to walk to class I started to think about the 1st time I met Normani in 9th grade.


"Mhmm sure you can beat me in a race monkey legs" Jordun told me while laughing like an idiot.

I rolled my eyes at his obnoxious laugh "what ever pencil neck your just scared to see if I would really win".

"Alright bet we'll race to the gym, 1st one to run through the gym doors wins & the loser buys the winner lunch for 2 weeks" I nodded my head & we shook hands.

Although me & Jordun were in high school we still had our childish ways. We were near the middle of the school already so we had to run through at least 6 more hallways. "You ready?" I asked after my quick stretch, "been ready" he replied with a cocky smirk.

We were both bending down ready to start, as soon as we both said go we darted down the hall passing a few students, not worrying about getting in trouble.

We were half way there & i was behind Jordun, but second by second Jordun got slower & finally we were side by side & had one more hallway to run down. Getting closer to the gym I pushed through my tiredness & darted ahead of Jordun.

I see the gym doors ahead & I start to get excited, I then turn around to see Jordun nowhere in sight. I turn my head back around & crash right into the back of somebody making both of us fall to the ground with me on top of their back.

We're both on the ground groaning, I realise I'm still on them & hurry to feet. I realise it was a girl so I hurry up & help her to her feet. I look her up & down while she rubs her head and I have to admit she has an amazing body. I stop staring & finally say something, " I'm so so sorry I wasn't paying attention, I was actually racing my best friend because of this stupid bet &..." she cut me off mid sentence giggling while saying " it's okay I was in my own world... actually I was kinda lost looking for the gym can you help me find it?"

I just stayed shut looking at her face still thinking about her cute ass giggle. I was brought out of my daze with her asking me did I hear her & am I okay. "Umm yea huh" I internally kicked myself, she just shook her head while smiling "can you help me find the gym?" she asked again "of course sure".

I led her right around the corner & walked through the gym doors holding them open for her, "thanks" she said " no problem". She began to look around the gym with a confused expression. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned, " I was told to meet with the dance team captains for tryouts in the gym, where are they?" she asked. "Oh their probably in the weight room" she looked even more confused, " well they started rehearsing & stuff in the weight room because these nasty creepy boys kept spying on them", she formed an "o" shape with her mouth.

"Follow me " I said as I made my way to the end of the gym where the weight room was. "So your a dancer huh?", she shook her head up & down
"It ain't that hard to tell either" I said while looking at her from head to toe. She laughed & nudged me & my heart literally melted, "hey stop checking me out" she said.

I know I kind of looked like a creep checking her out, but I mean I just couldn't help it & that outfit she had on which consisted of mid thigh shorts with a crop top wasn't helping at all.

"Hey" I said breaking the short silence, she looked at me giving me her full attention. "You know your getting into that dance team right?" She smirked & asked "how do you know?", "because I just know trust me" I replied.

We arrived in front of the open weight room door. "Why you got a plug I don't know about or something, that'll get me accepted 123?". I laughed & said " nah sorry I don't got the plug".

I just realised I've been talking to this beautiful girl for a minute now &still don't know her name.

"Hey I never really got your name" I said, "oh yea sorry my name is Normani". Beautiful ass name for a beautiful ass girl I thought. "Well Normani I bet you do make it in the team & when you do you have to go on a date with me.... oh & my name is Kehlani". She had a small smile on her face & began to speak " well Kehlani I..." before she could continue she was cut off by one of the dance captains coming over & giving me the stank face. "Umm tryouts are about to start so if you don't mind" she said looking at me while pulling Normani away, she had an apologetic look on her face. "Don't worry we'll finish this later" I yelled before someone closed the door in my face.

I was brought out of yet another day dream when I abruptly fell to the ground after bumping into somebody. Damn I really need to stop this....


Hey, so this is the 1st chapter hope ya enjoyed it & please read & recommend this book to others thanx💛

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