Chapter 3

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Normani's pov

"OH SNAPP" I whispered to myself while looking at the time realizing I was a little late for dance practice. "Excuse me is there something wrong Ms. Hamilton?" Mr. Jeffrey asked, I looked at him while packing my stuff up "umm sorry Mr.Jeffrey I'm gonna have to cut this tutoring session short I have dance practice" he nodded "okay see you next time same room, don't be late" he replied. I rushed out of the class room beginning my walk to the gym.

While walking to the gym my phone started ringing, I looked at my phone to see an incoming call from Dinah. I answered the phone a little annoyed "What now?" she huffed on the other end "Dafuq you mean what now, me & the rest of the team are in the gym waiting on you!" she yelled, "I know I'm on my way & ya know ya can't start without the star of the team". I heard her smack her teeth "girrll bye, anyway hurry your ass up Victoria's bitching again" she replied I hung up after letting her know I'm almost there.

I finally make it to the gym and walk in to see many restless & impatient faces " the hell wrong with ya?" I ask before sitting down next to Dinah on the bleachers. "You lucky you're a good dancer because I would've kicked your ass off the team a long time ago Hamilton" Victoria our dance captain said while rolling her eyes walking up to us.

"Alright team gather around I have something important to tell ya" Victoria said, in return we all gave her our attention, "All you guys owe me your lives because we are about to go downtown to the dance studio and get dance lessons from" she started to do a drum roll on her thighs, we all had the really bitch look on our faces. She finally stopped & continued "Sean Bankhead!".

Me & Dinah looked at each other with suprised/happy expressions because we would be learning from one of the most bad ass/famous choreographers. Most of the team mirrored our expression except for a few airheads who were oblivious to who Sean Bankhead was. "Alright so get your dance equipment ready & we'll leave in a few minutes to the studio" Victoria said.

Me & Dinah rushed to get our dance equipment ready, wanting to already be at the studio dancing with THE Sean Bankhead.

---------At The Dance Studio---------

Finally arriving in front of the dance studio me and Dinah practically raced inside the building, the rest of the team were probably looking at us like we were crack heads, but that thought quickly faded when we heard Drake's Controlla blasting through some speakers behind two big doors. We couldn't contain our excitement, me and Dinah begin to dance right there on the spot.

Victoria walked in followed by the rest of the team, she looked at us and scoffed "uugh please don't embarrass me" she said while rolling her eyes. Dinah just rolled her eyes and said "gurrll stop acting like you don't wish you could dance like us because you sure as hell ain't better than us". Before Victoria could respond we were interrupted by that Zendaya girl from school and a few other people walking out of the room that was blasting Drake.

She must take classes here I thought to myself, while Zendaya was walking past us Victoria was basically undressing her with her eyes " when are you finally gonna join the team?" Victoria hopefully asked her "never" Zendaya replied walking out the door. Victoria just huffed I kind of felt bad for that annoying bitch.

My attention was taken away from her when THE Sean Bankhead walked from the room. Me and Dinah started to squeal Victoria shot us a glare and we just shrugged. After Sean and Victoria finished talking he gestured for us to come inside the dance room.

Once we were all in the room and got our stuff all settled Sean began to speak "Hi ladies as some of you might already know I am Sean Bankhead the choreographer I've worked with many people, but I am so glad that I'm offering these free classes and be able to teach and inspire the youth.... now let's get started!". He walked to the stereo turning it on, this time Future's Comma's blasted through the speakers.

He began to show us the dance routine he wanted us to learn, I was in awe at how good he danced and how every move flowed with each other, studying each move I just thought about how I was about to slayy this dance. Once he finished Dinah practically yelled "that was dope" I just giggled and nodded in agreement.

We went over the routine a few times slowed down after the 2nd time I was ready to do it at full speed, but we had to go over it a 3rd time slowed down for some of these slow hoes.

Finally ready to go over it at full speed I took off once the beat dropped killing every move, looking to my right I saw Dinah going as hard as me which left me smirking because honestly we were the best in the team.

We were finished with the 1st run through we started to clap and high five each other happy that we didn't mess up. "Hey Normani right?" Sean called out while pointing at me, I was nervous and excited all at once "uuhh yea” I replied surprised that he even remembered my name. "Yea I liked that freestyle you added into your dance, would you mind doing it over for me solo so I can check it out?”. I probably looked stupid because I couldn't stop smiling  "of course!" I rushed out.

I stood in the middle of the floor waiting for the beat to drop again, once it did I went hard and put on a show for the kids again.

Once I was done Dinah and some of the team mates ran up to me telling me How I just killed it, Sean walked up to me "you most definitely did kill it, I see you having a future in dance try and come back for more classes.... all of you did very good try and make it back before I leave to Miami, alright see you guys" he said while packing up his stuff.

While me and the team walked out of the building about to part ways Victoria caught up to me and Dinah. "Umm I don't know what you was trying to pull back there but don't think your hot shit now just because you got one little compliment" she said and just walked off. But the GAG is that I don't have to think I'm hot shit because Sean Bankhead does.

Me and Dinah rolled our eyes and walked off in the opposite direction of Victoria "forget about her ass but dawg you really slayyed the shit out of that dance" Dinah said " thanks you wasn't to bad your self" I replied "bish whet I slayyed that shit too" she retorted while dancing. I just laughed while shaking my head and continued to walk home.


Hey sorry took long to update, this is kind
Of a filler chapter Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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