Chapter 1

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Rain Summers 

Strands of hair covered her vision of the ward. The sounds still carried. Beeps and dings hidden between layers of laughter and prayers.

Visitors constantly walking in and out, nurses chirping more pleasantries than anyone cared to hear.

The visitors weren't there for her and neither were the nurses optimistically verbose in her presence. No it was a small town yet a town where she was a stranger, someone who was new and subject of gossip hungry housewives. In a small town where everyone knew everyone no one thought her tale was true; after all the people of the town were family and she was a strange woman pointing fingers at thin air.

She came to this town to find her grandmothers coven. Witches who would help her bring forth her powers on her eighteenth year. She came to a place she thought she'd find acceptance at but instead she became ostracized in a never ending nightmare.

Her throat felt clogged with bile, her body was constantly trembling and her eyes kept moving afraid that even with so many people around she would never be safe again. The lights were so bright, bright enough to make her demons feel so much darker.

She felt weak, so weak, she was already crumbling. IV lines holding her together and the pain at bay. Her skin was littered in bruises like an abstract painting of fear. She never thought she would feel so alone. She had no tears left but every breath she took seemed to erode at whatever was left of the girl named Summer.

Why her?

Her eyes drift to a window of a never ending disillusioning forest.

Her screams were stuck in that forest in its secret shadows.

Help...I want to die, let me die...I want them dead...I want to jump from this window...Stop them..STOP 

She felt pathetic, shrouded in a state of despair.

The fear actively clawing at her throat, becoming her glass coffin.

There's a woman sitting next to her bedside. She doesn't know her, but soon they'll want her to tell her everything that happened. As though the words would some how make everything disappear. Would make her feel less weak. Less vulnerable- more in control.

This was a nightmare but that woman was in no way a dream catcher. 

Her eyes were of an observer, detached and yet her face made her seem like a close friend. Her smile gentle and soft.


Was I the first?

They seemed to know how to get away with it...I'm not  ...   the first.

Her body jerks up in frustration, hands tied down by leather straps. The straps were lined with soft material as though it made it alright. That it was okay to bind her will. Is it really for my safety, I can hear their laughter. 

I want to die. 

                                                              Oh God I want to die.

 The nurse came towards the bed, nodding towards the psychologist as though they shared a secret. The nurse looked at her with another sincere smile without the sincerity before giving Summer the closest thing to what she wanted. 

The girl slept falling into hell only she wasn't dead.

Doctor Conner

I need to see her, but what I want is illogical. 

My life choices have always been and will always be mine. From the moment her blue eyes cried for me, to the day I proposed to those same blue eyes under the rain and now leaving my destined soul mate on a sick bed. 

When I saw Susana when we were five, I fell in love and I knew it was against all traditions but she was the one I chose for my eternity. The one who chose me and we would be wed in five months.

A silver ring sat on the middle of his palm, it had been one of his proudest moments when she said yes. He hadn't ventured outside to meet his soul mate and so he was never meant to meet her.

His mate, no that girl, was just a young girl who happened to have a traumatizing experience but was it correct for him to give up his life out of pity. He wasn't in love with that girl, and he couldn't give her what she would need because he honestly had no idea what she would need.

His hands clenched around the metal, his resolve hardening his heart. The only logical solution was what would be best for both parties.

They could never be and she could never stay here, so he would help her as he should- but help send her to her family. They should now what to do.

He was not her family and he would never be. 

Rain Summers

She once again woke to a symphony of mechanical notes that's meant to relay that she was fine ,that everything's intact....but it's not. 

I am so broken, so darn broken.

The pain steeped deep in her bones echoed constantly of whispers and glances of those faceless men. 

She had two options before her, she wondered if choosing at that moment would determine the rest of her life. However she still had to make a choice and with that choice her eyes darkened to depths of her hell.


The storm clouds drew in fast as the animals quietened, they knew what was happening. As though they could feel the flow of mana through Gaia. They bowed their heads as the young one opened her pure black eyes. The power flowing in her too fast to comprehend. Everything was so still for that few seconds that the lights went out. 

The child gratefully absorbed the power that many died from, it was too much for such a young soul but she wasn't just any soul.

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