The Unknown Of Hospitals

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No, dark said it's to protect him and the group. The elevator dinged and stopped on the ground floor. On the way home it seems the sky wanted to cry for jack, and for once jack didn't mind. It would go along with the mood perfectly. Pretty soon after that it started to heavy pour rain, but by that time jack was shutting the car door and heading inside his house. "So?" Singe asked as soon as he came inside. He explained what happened and why he is here and not in the waiting room. "Movie?" Singe asked, trying to bring the happy childish Jak back. Jack nodded and singe picked out a movie.
Mark didnt have the faintest idea what was happening. The very second after sapphire finished speaking she pulled the trigger and a bullet was in his body. She seemed to be released from anti as a green wisp floated into the ground. She kept muttering apologies for shooting him and in truth he forgave her every time she said sorry. Mark felt week as he knew he was loosing blood. Sapphire yelling seemed far away as the world blurred before him. Mark kept fading in and out of consciousness in the ambulance, occasionally seeing Jack's green tuff of hair and his blue eyes. Every time filled with worry and panic, just like there not surposed to be. Mark tried to speak, to say he's alright when he knows he's not, just to calm jack down a bit, at last it seemed to much effort. Mark closed his eyes, getting some rest, despite the more pained screams of jack and rushed commands of the paramedic's. Mark woke next with a sting in my arms and his shirt removed. "Your going to be just fine, Mr. Fischbach. We're gonna put you under anesthesia so you wont feel anything. If you feel anything painful just squeeze my hand and we'll give you more." A woman spike calmly into his ear, afterwards feeling a hand grip his gently. The stinging in his arm became worse with the anesthesia going into him, but soon the world became black as peaceful sleep came over him.

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