Ch. 5 Angrily Chewing

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Could the day just end all ready? The minutes seemed to get longer and longer. Math was definitely Jack's least favorite subject of the day, even if the teacher was amazing.
Mr. Sidd was kind, helpful and had fun with his classes. Even though math was super boring, he was one of Jack's favorite teachers.

He was glad the day was almost over. After math he had only one other class, physical education. He didn't really have an opinion of PE. He always had good grades but didn't care for it as much compared to other classes. Jack rubbed his nose and checked the time. Only two minutes left, he could survive that long right? His feet tapped impatiently. The sooner he got home, the sooner he could play the game he had downloaded last night.

"OK class you can now pack up your stuff and get ready to leave. Hey Chrissie, no phones in my class unless its a calculator." A girl with black hair and brown eyes looked up from her phone and looked at the teacher sheepishly. "Aw, but Mr. Sidd I'm checking a message from my mom!" She looked pitiful and innocent as she rubbed one of her arms shyly and played with her pink highlight. "OK go ahead but please next time try to answer it after class." With a quick nod Chrissie put her phone away and began talking to her friends.

As great as a teacher Mr. Sidd was, he was also very gullible. Or he just didn't care and was just trying to look like a well behaved teacher (which was way more likely). Jack knew she was lying, everyone who was listening knew it. Chrisse was the school's stereotypical mean girl. Sweet and innocent to teaches but rude and cruel to most students. Jack huffed and shoved his notebook into his school bag and stood up. He pulled out his phone and sat on top of the desk. He saw had a few messages from Mark, mostly about games or how annoying his English class was. Jack quickly responded and looked up. He saw Chrissie looking at him him eyes shiny and dark.

She looked into Jack's light blue eyes and winked slyly. Just to Jack's luck the bell rung at the exact moment. With a blush Jack stood up and left the room quickly. As he walked down the halls he wondered why she had winked like that. He hated her and she had like twelve boyfriends. So then why did he feel so flustered?

Jack couldn't concentrate as he walked into the gymnasium and into the lockeroom. He had PE with Cry luckily so he had someone to talk to. Cry was sitting on the floor next to the wall calmly waiting for class to start. Jack went to go sit next to him but stopped when the coach walked out of his office calling to everyone. "Gather around boys! Today we are doing something different." Everyone got excited thinking of dodgeball or a free day. Questions were asked but the coach just smiled. He was about to answer their questions when they heard scream like sounds coming from the girl's side. Jack heard a girl yell very loudly, "NOPE." and other similar remarks from others.

The giant tarp that separated the girls side from the boys was blocking their view so they had no clue what was going on. The coach glanced back the boys, grin even wider. "Today we thought dancing with the girls would be appropriate considering that all of you get to go to prom this year. So hope you guys have at least some skills when it comes to girls."

Cry was panicking just as bad as the others if not more. "I can't dance with girls! I'm g-gay! I have a freaking boyfriend for godsake!" Jack smiled and tried to comfort his friend. He had never seen Cry this flustered before and it was kind of funny. He was always either calm or just laughing and making jokes. He was never stressed or panicked.
Jack wasn't worried for some reason. He didn't know any of the girls, in fact he only really knew one girl. Her name was Charlie. She was a cute redhead with a girlfriend and a love of Harry Potter. She sometimes sat next them if none of her other friends were at school, which was a rarity. Still he enjoyed her company.

"How are you not nervous?!?" Cry inturupted his thoughts of Charlie with a shake to his arm. Jack shrugged. "I mean, aren't you worried about Mark getting jealous or him hearing about it?" Jack turned to look at Cry, eyes the size of dinner plates. Now he panicked. His face was now a bright red, blinking furiously. "Wh-what do you mean? Mark is a friend, he would understand if I was forced to dance. Why would Mark matter to me right now? I mean I do care for him but not like that! I mean its not like he's unattractive or anything I jus-" Cry put a hand over Jack's mouth eyebrow raised suspiciously. "How long?" Cry was back to him calm self. Jack sighed and blushed even harder. "What do you mean?' Jack didn't know how to respond even though he knew exactly what Cry meant. "How long have you loved him? And don't say that you don't, me and Felix both know and if you keep denying it to us and yourself it will make it harder when you have to admit it eventually."

Jack was almost in tears. He had tried so hard to keep it a secret from everybody because he was afraid. Afraid of being judged and hated for his views. Jack looked up into Cry's eyes and nodded. "About halfway into our freshman year." Cry's mouth dropped open in surprise.

Cry was almost skipping as they walked to the buses. "I mean it wasn't so bad, none of the girls wanted to, so but wasn't creepy. You know? OK this is annoying. Jack you haven't said anything since the beginning of class. Are you still panicking about me knowing? Also how have you kept this secret since freshman year? Felix and I both admitted it after like two months. You know its okay, right? Everyone will accept you. Or at least the people that matter." Jack glanced up from the ground. Cry's eyes were now full of sincerity and caring. Definitely one of Cry's most valuable traits. Jack smiled shyly. Cry was adorable when he was excited. Eyes bright and full of life.

"But can I tell Felix? Oh come on, he knows too! Please just him?" Jack tried to argue but gave up shortly after Cry had started. "Yeah, I guess..." Cry smiled and hit his arm softly. Cry hadn't been this excited in a long time. He wanted to text Felix then and there but knew he shouldn't.

Mark sat on his bed reading some texts from Felix and Cry.

Felix- just admit it dude! It gets harder the more you deny it

Felix- please?? I already know!

Felix- ok you can text me back when you stop ignoring me like a five-year old. -_-

Cry- What did you do to make Felix so mad? He just came to my house, stole a bag of pretzels then just sat on the stairs chewing angrily.

Cry- Ah, you're not answering on purpose. I see.

Cry- Welp, you can't ignore us forever. And if you do I'm coming to your house with a very bad speech prepared.

Jack- The Forest seems like a fun game. The graphics look amazing!

Mark smiled. Of course Jack would send him something like that at a time like this. Mark groaned when he felt a far to familar alarm buzz in his hand. He furrowed his eyebrows and swiped it off. He didn't need his pills right now. He had way to much on his mind, plus he was comfortable.

Hey-yo Cinnamon here! Sorry this is longer, I didn't want to split it up and well, I got a little carried away. Also SUPERNATURAL REFERENCE FOR THE WIN! Heh, I'm bad at jokes. Much loves! <3

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