The Cereal // Your POV

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I waited with a smirk on my face as he walked into the kitchen and I heard the sound of the cupboard opening.

"What the hell?! Where did you put my cereal?" he asked, with slight anger in his voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said with a mouthful of cereal.

He walked back into the room I was in and glared at me. "You messed with the wrong person. No one touches my cereal" he said as he moved closer to me.

I covered my cereal bowl with my hands, trying to shield it from him as I saw his eyes make their way to the bowl.

"Hey! Get out of here! You have your own cereal"

"Then tell me where you hid them!"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said as I started laughing.

He lunged for the bowl, but I was quick enough and stood up, shovelling cereal in my mouth.

"Spit it out right now" he said as he stood facing me.

"Fine. Have it!" I said as I spit the remainder of the cereal in my mouth, into the bowl and handed it to him.

"You wouldn't dare" I said as I saw him eyeing the bowl.

"Or would I?" he said as he picked up the spoon.

I immediately gagged and he smiled. He started to bring the spoon to his mouth and I grabbed his hand.

"You're absolutely disgusting. Fine, I"ll tell you where they are....just don't eat that"

"Why? Do you have some kind of hidden disease and if I were to eat this, I would catch it and then you would be exposed? An STD maybe?" he said as he returned the spoon into the bowl.

"That's impossible, because you need to have sex to have an STD"

"Wait, you're a virgin?"

He put his hand on his mouth and made an exaggerated gasp, "I would have never guessed" he continued.

"Ha ha ha, hilarious, but, I mean, who would sleep with someone with a haircut like yours" I said, pointing at his hair.

He smirked a little bit and lifted his head.

"You know, I think it's kind of cute" he started as he leaned on the cupboard.

"What is?" I asked, curiosity in my voice.

"Saving yourself for someone... Oh, be still my beating heart! It's so romantic! We need more women like you in the world!" he said as he grabbed his chest and squinted his eyes.

"Wow, and I was just starting to like you" I said as I chuckled slightly.

"There you go again... stop hitting on me. I know I'm hard to resist but you just met me" he said as he leaned closer to me.

I put my hand on his face and pushed him backwards. He took his hat off again and ran his fingers through the little bit of hair he had. He was growing on me. I mean, I wouldn't date him or anything, but he was pretty cute. He chuckled a little and turned around. He walked to the cupboard and got two bowls out. He then proceeded to the counter and grabbed a box of his cereal, pouring some in both. He grabbed two spoons and then handed a bowl to me.

"This is the nicest thing anyones ever done for me" I said as I wiped a fake tear.

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