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Never in Inka's life did she think she would be allowed out of her metal cage. In all fairness though she was strapped to a wheelchair with at least six guards escorting her to an unknown location.

"Hey!" She said, trying to get one of the regulars attention.

"What Crazy?" Responded the guard that electrocuted Harley the other day.

"Where's ya takin' me?" she asked, with an innocent smile.

"You'll see." He said, then proceeded to place duct tape over her mouth.

She thrashed in her chair and growled at the guard who just chuckled.

They soon approached a door which opened to reveal a courtyard.

Inka was wheeled out and was stopped in front of the serious looking woman from the other day and an attractive young man.

"So is this, uh, cheerleading tryouts?" An African American man spoke.
Inka titled her head to look at him and he seemed shocked at how young she was.

"What is this, remove that duct-tape from her mouth?" The stern woman said.

The grumpy guard came forward cautiously to remove it. It tore at her skin when it was being pulled but she didn't care.

"Who the fuck are you?" Was the first thing she said, shocking everyone.

"Valkyrie-" The woman began.

"Don't call me that." She hissed.

"Inka," The woman corrected, "We need to see what you can do. Un-tie her." She ordered.

"Are you crazy?" The grumpy guard, Inka's official name for him, asked.

Inka was untied. She stood, trying to get her bearings and walked towards the table that held weapons ranging from guns to knifes to arrows.

The other man walked forward as well and retrieved a gun in sync with Inka. They shared a look and gave eachother a sly smile.
Simultaneously, the deadly duo turned and aimed their guns at the grumpy guard who started to freak out.

"What? I knew this would happen. Remember that time I gave you a cookie, that was a real cookie. We're good right??"

All of the guards guns were pointed at the two.

"Tell your men to stand down." Ordered the stern woman.

"Yeah Grumpy, tell ya men to stand down." Inka spoke in a sing song voice.

"Stand down."

"The firing pin is filed down right?" The other prisoner spoke.

"Mag full of dummies." Someone responded.

"So if I pull the trigger, nothing happens?" I asked, cocking the gun slightly.

"You're absolutely right. Why would we give loaded weapons to criminals? Go ahead pull the trigger."

I looked at the guy next to me, shrugged and fired into the air, smiling when I found the gun was loaded.

"Y'all Jokers must be crazy!" The guy said, before shooting at the targets along with me.

corruption point . rick flag (on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now