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"Miss Rosaline was it? Tell me,why are you here today?"

"Well,that's easy. Hayley." Nikki utters.

"Hayley? Please,go on." The therapist raises a brow,intrigued to know more.

"This is stupid. I shouldn't have come,I'm sorry to be wasting your time." Nikki retreats while standing and moping to the door again.

"Wait! Um,tell me about her. Tell me about Hayley." The therapist attempts again.

"Well,...she's short but feisty and adorable. Her hair color changes just like the seasons-frequently. She has the most beautiful smile I have every seen and her eyes..they're so gorgeous. She's sweet and kind but don't let that fool you because she won't hold back when the truth needs to be said.." Nikki's eyes held a spark that the therapist had never seen before,a spark of pure adoration,wonder,and pain all rolled into one.

"Wow. She sounds wonderful." The therapist says.

"Yeah,..she was." Nikki stood awkwardly at the door with her hand still on the handle.

"Why don't you tell me how you met Hayley?"

"Um,okay." Nikki shuffled back over to the chair and sat,staring at her hands.

Me and my ex boyfriend Taylor haven't talked in a while. But i kind of forgot all about him. It was like after we broke up i erased that part of my life out of my memory.

How did you and Taylor break up?

Oh. Uh,nothing bad. It was a mutual break up. I just couldn't keep lying to him and myself. It was making us both miserable.

I see. What were you lying about,miss Rosaline?

Well,back then i recently found out that..he wasn't my type per say.

What do you mean?

I like girls.


Okay,continue then.

Taylor was very caring and considerate but said that he couldn't bare to continue our friendship. I understood and said that i wished him the best.

Hm. Keep going,I just have to write a few things down.

Um,okay. It had been about six years since then and i had grown up. Most people saw me to be some bright and welcoming girl. But in reality,i had girls that worshipped my feet. I know that sounds conceited but it's only the truth. I loved everything about that new lifestyle. I had my best friend Aero,who i would protect with my life-

Aero? Tell me about Aero. What are they like?

Aero Hudson,a 5 foot 4 genius with an attitude that you would not believe. She had long hair that flowed down her back in light waves along with thick glasses,bright blue eyes,and purple hair. She was way different from me,as you can see. I stand at an average height of 5 foot 5 with freckles and one grey and one blue eye,my dark brown hair replaced with a dark black that held in it's light curls. Most people think they're weird, or that I'm blind or something but i loved my eyes the most out of everything though.

Really? They are really beautiful. But why do you feel this way?

Well,I guess i felt as though they made me unique. I love to be unique. It's like no one else can be you,just you. You're the one person in the world that no one could change because no matter what,you'll still be as you as possible. If that makes sense. I dunno,just that no one can distance you from yourself long enough for you to see that you're made differently from everyone else and that it's not something you have to hate. You could love it because it means that you have the option to set the world on your shoulders and spin it around to something completely different.

Woah. That is a truly wonderful way to look at it.

Thank you.

You are most welcome,Nikki. You sound like some type of artist?

Um,i write a little but it's never that good. Right now,i'm just working a minimum wage job in the back of a food truck.

Well,you can still keep your art and share it with the world.

I'll think about it.

Good,i strongly encourage you to do so.

I will.

Very well. Oh! Unfortunately,i apologize,however,because that is all the time that we have for today.


But,Nikki,you may come back tomorrow or any other time you please. This is to help you get better. And at all costs i will try my best to do so. Otherwise,all of this would be for not.


Just set an appointment in the front and then you should be all set.

Oh! Uh,Thank you for your time.

Yes,I shall see you tomorrow,Nikki.

Um,yeah. Maybe. Bye.

Ta-ta for now!

That night,all Nikki did was lie awake. She stared at the stars and remembered Hayley telling her about all the constellations that lied inside of it. She loved that. She loved how Hayley could so easily captivate her with every word spoke. But Nikki hated that she couldn't stop the constant flow of memories that flowed through her cerebral like a tidal wave. She wanted it to stop or at least slow down so that she could figure out what to feel. The whole situation to Nikki,just didn't seem fair. She had done nothing wrong but yet she still got punished because life is too cruel. It could rip someone away from you in the blink of an eye. She hated that she could never sleep without Hayley. She hated how she was always so emotionless. She never cried,just stared straight ahead. She never knew what anything that she was feeling anymore-other than her being numb. Her eyes never faltered from the sky though. As she sat in silence and her thoughts ate away at her,she wondered if Hayley was looking at the same stars as she was.

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