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After Hayley finished talking,I held up a finger with a small smile and turned to the guys. "So,what do you think?" I ask with a brow raised and a smirk the size of a football field. I could tell by their faces that they were truly blown away. "Eh. She's great and all but she's not exactly what we're looking for." Jeremy says with a gentle shrug. I scoffed. "Are you kidding me? She was amazing! Why isn't she what this band needs?" Jeremy popped his head up and stared at her for a moment before joining the huddle again. "Because we wanted a male vocalist. And,obviously,she isn't a dude." Taylor rolled his eyes and dismisses Jeremy's complaint,inserting his own. "We wanted more of a post-hardcore sort of deal and Hayley's voice can't handle that. I mean,don't get me wrong,Nikki. Her voice is beautiful and she is beautiful and awesome-" I glared at him and he smiled sheepishly and continued. "-but she isn't exactly the rocker type." I rolled my eyes and plucked myself away from them for a moment. "Hey,Hayley?" She hummed and stood up again. "Do you know any rock song? Like,did you write anything like that?" She shrugged. "A few." I smirked at Taylor. "Would you mind giving us the sample of one? Just the chorus would be fine." She nodded and took a deep breath. "Dancing all alone,to the sound of an enemy's song,I'll be lost until...you find me,Fighting on my own,in a war that's already been won,I'll be lost until,you come and find me here,oh glory." I smiled and she slowly sat back down. "Thanks,Hayles!" I went back into the huddle and the boys looked conflicted. "So?" Jeremy cleared his throat to speak first. "She's great but still not a male sing-" I covered his mouth. "If you say male singer I will punch you in your genitals."


He stayed silent and I looked at Taylor. "Taylor?" He sighed and looked out at Hayley. "She's good. But she's more in the pop punk vibe." I rolled my eyes. "Listen,guys,she's your last option here. So,it's either you can be sued for everything that you have or..you can both to suck it up and get working on this new album. So,whats it gonna be? Do you want her or not?" Taylor sighed again and bit the inside of his cheek. "It would be stupid to just let this amazing singer go to waste." Jeremy nodded. "And if we let her slip through our fingers,no doubt some other band will want her and we'll be screwed royally." I look back and forth from them. "Okay. She's in." I smiled wide and hugged them both tightly. They laughed and hugged me back. I let go and we all turned to Hayley. I smiled wide. "Welcome to the band,Hayley." Her facial expression was unreadable but she wiped it away and smiled. "Great."

I thought she didn't want to be involved with it?

She didn't. And if i would've stopped to think about it at the time instead of only thinking about how excited I was to see them live and working together,I would've remembered that. I should've remembered.

I quickly ran up to her and gave her a tight hug. Hayley laughed and hugged me back loosely. "I'm so happy right now! You can finally travel the world and stuff!" Hayley's smile disappeared to a small grin. "Yeah,I'm happy that you're happy,Rosie." I frowned and pulled back slightly,kissing her forehead. "You okay?" She nodded and smiled small. "Yeah,I'm fine." The guys called their manager and told him the news while we talked and i noticed Hayley looking behind me to them. Her face was still and once she noticed me watching her,it switched to a fake smile. "You sure that you're okay?" She cleared her throat and nodded. "Mhm. Of course. Uh,I have to go back to the coffeeshop. It's about time to open." Hayley pried my arms away and started walking out of the door. I watched with a confused frown but shrugged and hopped off the stage,walking back over to Jeremy. "..tomorrow? Um,okay. I'll run it by them. Sure,Cal. Alright,bye." He hung up and Taylor stacked the last chair making his way over. "Where'd Hayley just go?" Jeremy asks. I shrugged. "To the coffeeshop. She said it was time to open." He looked over at Taylor. "Cal says that we need to start recording tomorrow so that we can have the album done by next week. He said that after that we should start a tour with it in a few months." Taylor nodded and pulled out his phone. "I'll ask some of my friends if they can fill in for some instruments." Jeremy looked at me questioningly. "Do you think you can get Hayley in the studio by tomorrow morning at eight?" I shrugged. "Is it going to snow tomorrow?" Taylor laughed and Jeremy rolled his eyes playfully. "Yes." I smiled wide. "Then,yes. Yes,I can." I sent Hayley a quick text inviting her over to my house after work to celebrate and headed home.

Nikki couldn't help but to go through old voicemails that Hayley sent her after everything that happened. All of the problems. All of the fights. Hayley still sent them. Nikki never picked up her phone when Hayley had called and the voicemails slowly started to build up. This would be the first time that Nikki had ever opened them. Before she didn't even want to hear the sound of Hayley's voice but now,Nikki felt as though the sound of her voice would be the only thing keeping her sane. Comfort,grounded,..at peace,...at home. As she listened to them,she felt her heart crack to pieces all over again. The sound of heartbreak that Hayley held,Nikki knew all too well.

Proof | Hayley Williams A.U.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora