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When i went over to Taylor's his lead singer was arguing with Jeremy over something stupid that spiraled out of control.

Which is?

Hair care products.

Hair care products?

Hair care products.



Anyway,I asked who was yelling and Taylor said,"Just Jeremy and Nathan. Nothing new. But they have been arguing for about three hours now." I raised a brow and stepped inside,following him to the backyard. "Really? About what?" Taylor rolled his eyes as Nathan shouts something about volume and richness. "Something really idiotic and ridiculous." I shrugged and took off my shoes,jumping into the in-ground pool. "What the hell does that have to do with you drinking,Nathan?!" Jeremy barks,sounding extremely annoyed. I resurfaced and groaned with Taylor. "I barely even know the guy and I can already tell i wouldn't like him." I mumble with a casual eye roll. "What?! You can't just quit! What about the fans?!" Taylor and i shared a look before he ran inside. I heard more shouting between all three of them before a loud door slam and screeching tires speeding away. I hopped out and grabbed a towel from my bag,covering myself up slightly and heading in. "What happened?" Taylor's head was in his hands as he sat on the coffee table in front of Jeremy and Jeremy was angrily tapping his foot on the white tile. "He quit." Jeremy growled sullenly. I quirk a brow. "Who quit?" Taylor's face was as red as it could be and he stared at me. "Nathan." His voice was barley above a whisper but i could already tell that it was laced with hate. "Wait,he can't do that...,can he?" I ask,looking between the two. "He can. We have a tour and a supposed new record coming out next month. If we don't get a new lead singer by then-we'll be sued for everything we've got,cut from the label,and lose our entire fan base." Jeremy answered,wiping his face with his hand. "So,basically,we're toast." Taylor groaned and stood up,pacing back and forth. "Looks that way,man." Jeremy admits. I shake my head and grabbed Taylor by his shoulders,forcing him to stop. "I won't let that happen. It isn't your fault that you got a jack ass as a lead singer. That's why..I'm gonna help." They stared at me silently and blinking vigorously. "Y-you'd do that for us?" Taylor asks in surprise. I smiled small and nodded. "That's nice and all but how would we even do that? We have a month. It's not like we can just pick someone up out of thin air and teach them to sing." Jeremy rolls his eyes and I bite my lip. "We'll host auditions. Starting tomorrow. We'll find someone,don't worry. Oregon may not be big but it's full of dreamers with talent." I plan. Taylor looks over at Jeremy pleadingly and I do the same. He sighed and stood up. "Fine. Tomorrow at eight a.m. in the amphitheater downtown. Don't be late,Nikki. I mean it." I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Of course."

So the blonde boy-


Yes,Jeremy,he was the determining factor in this? Why?

Well,he was in the band. You can't make only one-sided decisions when you're in a band. And Taylor and Jeremy were freaking out about not having a singer and so i tried to calm them down and offered to help host auditions.


They were my friends. I couldn't let them down.

"Thanks,Nikki." Taylor says as he leads me to the door. I shrugged and smiled. "No problem,Taylor. It's the least I could do." Without warning,he wrapped his arms around me tightly. I frowned and patted his back a bit. "I'll see you tomorrow,okay?" He claims as he releases me and begins to shut the door. Without a response,it shuts in my face and i let out the breath i had been holding in since i had arrived. "Yeah,see ya'."

Therapy session ends and Nikki goes home looking at all the videos Hayley and her took. She watches as Hayley's vibrant eyes and bright smile light up the screen on her laptop. She chuckles lightly at the sight. She remembered that day. Hayley came over and they binged watched Disney movies until four in the morning. Nikki pressed rewind to the part where Hayley held onto her and kissed the side of Nikki's head. She paused it and stroked the screen over Hayley. Those were the times when she was her happiest. With Hayley. To others it might've been clingy and over dramatic but to Nikki it made sense. Hayley was the only light that Nikki had ever known. Everyone around them could tell how with Hayley around Nikki's attitude towards anything and everything changed drastically. Instead of feeling the need to go out and drink the pain away,Hayley made all of her pain disappear and she was drunken in happiness. She always felt light and saw it in any time. Hayley was strong,and smart,and cunning. How she stayed with someone as impulsive and stubborn as Nikki was always a question that arose. No matter how much everyone says it wasn't her fault,Nikki felt it was. The moment she let Hayley step out the door,Nikki knew she would regret it. All the things she said,she meant none of it. All the problems that started,she saw eventually dissipate but she still felt the same heaviness on her shoulders. Nikki played it again and watched as they laughed and joked. She stared at the screen in complete and utter silence. She didn't move. She didn't blink. In the fear that even the slightest movement would cause the remains of their memories to break or disappear from her memory. Hayley now had the camera and was laying down on the bed lazily. She smiled up at it and leaned to the sleeping body beside her,kissing Nikki's cheek.

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