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Nikki took a break from therapy for the day and stays home. She didn't pick up her phone,she didn't go outside,she didn't sleep. She just watched Paper Towns for hours on end. She couldn't help but to feel lonely as she looked to the spot beside her that used to always be filled by Hayley. Their tattered old couch was replaced by a brand new leather one. It was Nikki's last resort to get rid of everything that reminded her of Hayley. She hated the thought of always sitting down without the petite woman that she fell in love with. But the memories still stayed with her,no matter how hard she tried to get rid of them. Thus,the couch still having a reserved spot for her. Then again,Paper Towns was their favorite movie to watch together. Paper Towns was the first movie they ever watched together. Nikki thought about the first time she invited Hayley over and how she went on about how the auditions were taking forever. Hayley laughed and looked around the tiny apartment in wonder. "You need to relax,Rosie. These things take time." She says and Nikki simply shrugged and went to the kitchen,grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels from the top shelf. She walked out to the living room once again and Hayley sighed and grabbed it from her. "What? You said to relax." Nikki complains and reaches for the liquid stress reliever once again. "Nope. I didn't mean with something like this and you know it." Nikki tilts her head in confusion and Hayley reaches behind her and pulls out a movie from Nikki's rack. Paper Towns. Hayley squealed at the sight and Nikki held her ears,wincing. "Jesus,Hayls,inside voice. What's with the scream anyway?" Hayley sets the bottle back down on the table and holds up the movie in excitement. "You have Paper Towns?! We are totally watching this." Nikki shakes her head and grabs it. "This is Aero's." Hayley pouts. "Please? I love that movie! And I would love you even more if you put it on!" Nikki weighed over her options in her head before giving up and handing it back. "Yay! Thanks,Rosie!" Hayley leaned up and kissed Nikki's cheek. "Y-yeah. No problem." Nikki held her cheek and her face was tinted with a light pink. "Don't tell me I have an effect on you,now do I,Rosie?" Hayley smirked. Nikki rolled her eyes felt felt her blush grow deeper. "Obviously not." Hayley's smirk grew wider and more devious as she slowly ran her hand up and down Nikki's arm. "You sure about that?" She whispered,their lips centimeters away from one another. Nikki's eyes slowly drooped shut and she tried to lean in a bit more before Hayley pulled back quickly with an innocent smile. "So,you have any snacks?" Nikki's eyebrows furrow before she realizes what just happened. "Wowww. Okay,you're a tease." Nikki states simply,walking to the kitchen. While she reached up for the popcorn,Hayley's arms wrapped around Nikki's waist. She froze and didn't move a muscle,her cheeks glowing bright red. Hayley leaned up on her toes and whispered,"Keeps you wanting more doesn't it?" Then afterwards,Hayley kissed the spot under Nikki's ear,making her bite her lip to suppress the whimper she was dying to get out. Hayley smiled and laughed,reaching around Nikki to grab the bowl of chips and walking back to the living room. When she was gone,Nikki all but fainted as the kiss and touch from Hayley still lingered. It felt like a tingling sensation. Like being electrocuted. She shook her head and put in the popcorn. They get set and Nikki brings out some snacks like Hayley requested. "I love this part!" Hayley smiled wide and leaned up on her knees. "You said that about fifty times already." Nikki laughs. Hayley shushed her and stared at the TV intently as Margot used Nair on someone's eyebrow. "You realize how wrong that is,right?" Nikki asks incredulously as Margot wipes it off,taking off his eyebrow. "Shhh! Don't ruin it for me!" Hayley covers her ears and glares at Nikki playfully. When the movie is over,Nikki looked down at Hayley to see her fast asleep on her shoulder. "Hey," Nikki shook her softly and waited for any sign of recognition to flash across Hayley's features and when she was sure that she was asleep,she kissed her head and wrapped her arms around her. Nikki's life changed in that moment when she realized she was falling for Hayley. She didn't know how to react. So,she just ignored the thought and grabbed the blanket from behind her,placing it over them both.

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