CHAPTER 2: Who Knew?

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Brilliant, just brilliant.

Did this bike really have to wait until I'm in the middle of butt fucking nowhere before deciding it's time to give up and just run out of fuel on the side of the bloody road?

Like come on guys, I've heard all that bullshit about karma and how crap gets back to you, I just didn't think it would happen so fast. 

I mean it hasn't been a full 24 hours since I stole the damn thing!

Shit, if it always happened this fast I would have been sent to hell more times than Dean Winchester by now with the amount of shit I've done.

So what do I decide to do when the bike dies in the ass?

Well considering that stupid gorilla smashed my phone against the wall back at the club I have no way of calling for help, so seeing as though my choices are limited, I take a seat on the side of the road and embrace my downtime by aimlessly picking at my nails and ruining my manicure.

I've gotta admit, the cold gravel imprinting itself into my butt cheeks paired with the relentless army of mosquitoes driving me nuts isn't my favourite feeling in the world but it definitely beats being in a room with Drake.

It only takes about an hour before I finally decide I've been sitting here for long enough and slowly get up, beginning to make my way down the bumpy road in the middle of the bush at midnight.

Not quite my idea of a 'crazy Friday night'.

But hey, at least I'm not at some bar trying to drink away my feelings.

Granted, that may only be because it requires you to actually have feelings to be able to try and drink them away.

I am down for the drinking part though.

I walk down the lengthy stretch of desolate road, my only source of light being the moon gleaming over me. Either I've been walking for virtually forever or I've become extremely unfit because my legs begin to burn throughout and my breath staggers, barely managing to take in the chilled air. 

And then I hear it.

The sweet sound of a vehicle in the distance is practically music to my ears.

Now, I'm the absolute furthest thing from religious, but THANK GOD!

I'm overcome by excitement, grinning like a nerd who's just seen his first pair of boobs. 

As it gets closer I begin waving my hands like a maniac, signalling towards the car, trying my best to make it known that I'm here and I want the driver to pull the hell over.

The car finally rolls up to where I am and comes to a stop, the passenger side window rolling down obviously to allow them a clearer look at who they just pulled over for. Probably also so they can make sure I'm not a crazy murderer carrying an axe.

Come to think of it, I should probably be equally concerned about whether or not they're an axe-carrying serial killer looking for their next victim.

Any thoughts of potential danger vanish the second the window is down and I'm able to get a proper look at my saviour. I'm surprised my jaw didn't make a louder bang when it hit the floor. to be quite honest. I mean I'm practically drooling at the sight of him.

I'm the epitome of subtlety, I know.

But damn! This guy is more than just easy on the eyes.

I gather he's in his early twenties. With dirty blonde hair, gorgeous green eyes and I'm not even joking when I say his jawline looks like is could cut through diamonds, he's not too hard on the eyes.

I bet when he shaves he has to be careful near his jaw to make sure it doesn't cut the razor.

Wow Trinity,  nice to know you've become a twelve year old girl with raging hormones who's met her first crush...

I swear his face seriously looks like it was hand crafted by god himself, too bad the asshole had to go and ruin the illusion by talking shit.

"Honey, it's summer time and we are in the bush, if I were you I'd close my mouth and wipe the drool away before you start to attract flies." He says nudging his head towards my mouth, allowing a smirk to make it's way onto his face.

The fuck did he just say to me?!

My brows raise and my hands find their way to my hips as I stare at the stupid prick who's smirk hasn't seemed to falter.

"Excuse me? Mate don't try and toot your own horn, you look like the guy that showed up to audition for the role of Gollum and got rejected for being too ugly." I reply, straying away from the truth juuust a tad.

His eyes glint with amusement, almost looking impressed by my reply. Then the wanker has the nerve, the nerve to keep talking shit.

"Gollum? Well love, from the look you were giving me before, I'd say you find Gollum pretty damn attractive." 

Before I have a chance to reply, he continues talking.

"Your weird Gollum fetish aside, what are you doing out here at this time of night?"

"I'm flying a bloody aeroplane! What does it look like I'm doing idiot? Do you plan on offering me a ride any time soon, or are we just going to stand here arguing all night?" I ask rolling my eyes at his stupid question.

"Well, since you think you're so smart, you can stand here all night and argue with yourself. Have fun walking home."

With that the window went up, the engine came to life and he was surely enough driving away, leaving me alone on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

Well, at least that's what he tried to do, except it didn't go that smoothly.

Apparently his fuel didn't get him very far either and he only made it about fifty metres down the road before it did exactly what my bike did earlier tonight.

Ha! Serves the prick right.

With a satisfactory smirk plastered on my face and an extra spring in my step, I make my way in the direction of his broken down car.

"Piss off, you're not sitting in here with me." He says the second I'm within hearing distance. He doesn't even do so much as roll his window down, he just sits there typing away on his phone, probably trying to get help so he doesn't have to spend the rest of his night here.

Yeah well, welcome to the club buddy.

My knuckle taps on the tinted window, hopefully causing even more of an annoyance.

After around 30 seconds matched with no reply I figure I may aswell just make myself comfortable.

"Fine. I didn't wanna come in there anyway, as you said earlier it's summertime and I give you about ten minutes at most before that car turns into a sauna." I explain, hoisting myself onto the bonnet of the car and lying flat with my arms crossed behind my head staring up at the stars, too tired to argue right now.

To my complete and utter surprise he doesn't give a sarcastic reply or even try to tell me to get off of his car.

I hear the sound of several windows being wound down and then a loud huff before complete silence.

Huh, maybe I'm not the only one who can't outrun sleep, amongst plenty of other things I try to out run.

On one hand, there's still the possibility that he's a crazed killer who wants to skin me alive. 

On the other hand, I've had a long day and my feet hurt from the walk.

At least if he kills me, I won't have to deal with Drake again.  Doesn't sound like the worst deal to me honestly.

With that thought, my eyes begin to weigh too much, slowly clamping shut.

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