Chapter eight

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Eric was making popcorn for the twins, they were to scared to go to sleep. They kept saying that they didn't want to sleep because they were afraid Liam would come by and they didn't want Shay to get hurt again. 

They were sweet, but I think they just wanted to stay up so they could watch Sponge Bob. Around two a.m everyone was asleep besides me. I walked out into the hallway and started walking, I really didn't know where. 

I found myself sitting in a fire escape. I don't know why I couldn't sleep. 

I tried to think but all I could think about was Shay. Before I came here, I was a huge player. Just talking to girls for fun. Leading guys on. I've cheated on I don't know how many people. But when I think about doing any of this to Shay I just couldn't. I loved her. I really did. I always told people I loved them but I only really loved two people my mom and Eric. Now Shay and her sister we so sweet and amazing. I wanted to know her mother. I wanted to know what they were all like. How did it happen that I person like me could fall in love with someone so perfect as Shay. 

Someone sat down beside be, "Why are you out here?" Eric said. He put a blanket over my shoulders.

I didn't realize how cold I was until now. "I couldn't sleep. What time is it?" 

"About seven. Were out here for a while?" 

"Are you kidding! Iv'e been out here since about two. I guess time must have slipped away." 

He laughed, "Come on, Shay and the kids are already ready, we're going to go head to the lodge to meet their mom. Have some breakfast." 

I smiled and we headed back.

POV: Shay

I was getting ready, Layla and Katie were in the other room watching cartoons. When I woke up this morning Jess wasn't here. Eric went to go look for her. I tried not to worry. But I couldn't help it. 

I jumped into the shower hoping the hot water would calm me down. 

By the time I got out and got changed Jess was back and we were all ready to go. We were heading out of the hotel, me and Jess we behind everyone else. Eric was playing with the twins. Layla, on his shoulders and Katie running around the singing a song she learned in school. 

"Where were you this morning?" I ask, Jess hadn't really talked to me since she got back to the room. 

She opened her mouth to say something but hesitated, instead she stopped and grabbed my hand. I stood there waiting for her to say something. 

"Shay, I love you." Our eyes locked.

"I love you to." My whole body froze this is what happens when people have bad news, or is going to break up with you. After all that's happened was she really going to break up with me?!

"I mean it, I love you. So much. And I don't want to hurt you. Ever." She hesitated again, "Look, before I came here I was a really big player. I cheated on people, did things I'm not proud of. You deserve better. You deserve someone who deserves you too.... God if that makes any since. I don;t know what the hell I'm, saying." I let out a shaky breath. 

"To tell you the truth your confusing the hell out of me. And if you don't think you don't deserve me I will slap you in the face." I say, I could hear Eric laughing. I guess he was listening to the whole conversation . 

Jess looked shocked, she wasn't saying anything so I went ahead and said, "We went through to much crap just so you could just think you went worth it and break up with me. That's just bull crap. Your acting like a soap opera dude. Don't even think your not enough for me, your more than enough and next time you want to have a heart to heart make sure Eric isn't listening cause I think he's dying over there."We both looked over to see Eric laughing so hard he was almost on his knee's his face was red. 

"Uhhh, so...." Jess looked at me he face red. 

"So we're good, hopefully. And also if you feel like this again come talk to me don't go blow everyone off. I'm guessing that's were you went this morning? To think about this?" 

She laughed," Usually I'm the one who goes crazy and rants about how stupid people are being." 

"Well now you have a girl friend who can do that for you." I grab her hand and we start walking, "Ready to go." I look at Eric who was whipping his face. 

"Okay, Jess. That was what you were thinking about this morning.Jesus. I thought it was something big. Like, shit. I don't know something that made since or something. That was just stupid." He laughed again. 

"Don't listen to him. He's just jealous cause you can keep a girl friend and he can't." We laughed while Eric tried to protest. 

We were still laughing when we got to the lodge. I spotted my mom sitting at a table alone. We all got some drinks and sat down. 

Mom said that Liam had left and that we wou  ld be moving soon since he had paid for the house.

She talked to Eric about houses up in California were they lived. Katie and Layla were eating some candy and me and Jess were talking when my mom interrupter us. 

"So, Jess. How about we get to know each other now that we have time to talk?" 

Jess looked at me, I squeezed her had, and she turned to my mom. "I'd say that would be great." 

We sat there almost all day talking, and the only thing I could think was the she was mine.  

She was mine.


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