no 5.

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I'm afraid that my newfound destiny will steal me away from whats familiar
but whats familiar aint all fairies and glitter
knocking on wood, my knuckles collecting splitters
gunning down my own dreams and I'm the one whose index was on the trigger

I told him, if you decide to leave, do me a solid
go to a coffee shop
get us a window seat
order me a coffee with two creams and five sugars then wait for me.....I'll be there
with my heart poorly stapled on my sleeve
and when I take my seat I'll give you a choice
"truth or dare"

I'm a sucker for truth
I'll cave in my roof and allow resentment to take me with it midair 
so spare me the scare and pick dare
and I'll say "dare to love me"
even as my thoughts roam in my jungle
even if I act too much like a child and you have to curse me to be humble
I'll relish it all

even when our storms are frightening
commend my gratuity to lightning for brightening the sky as it falls
because those sparks in the stratosphere
eliminated the potential of a goodbye
your ink bleed on my soul invisibly
third eye, I spy
allow my effort of strengthening my weaknesses to write our prophecy
or I cross my heart and hope to die//e.b.

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