no. 23

39 2 1

whatever that hue at the end of the tunnel is
im ready for it
im ready for it to take me out of my misery
im ready to stop dreading its identity
whatever it may be
may it be a headlight to a train or
an oasis
whatever the circumstances
let it be
let it take me into its arms of mystery

im edging closer to its arrival
im anticipating the closure
i made preparations
i absorbed the depths of the possibilities, the emotion
i dissected them all
i drafted my eulogy, i edited my biography
i feel waves of tension between me and this profound destiny
i could of been someone
i would have been someone
before me and this hue collided and became one
or i would have come undone
make sure to unravel the bandages if i survive
let nature run its course
if i die embed my casket with every page of my works
i am these poems
let me die as one//e.b.

life in colorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ