Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I was on my way to the prison. I knew sooner or later I would have to explain, if I wanted any chance of him coming with me willingly when I helped him leave. As much as I wanted to deny it, I knew it would come down to leaving. It somehow relieved me that I would soon be leaving mother; would no longer be controlled by fear; would be free to be myself.

 I was nearly down the stairs now and so made my way toward Haydin's cell. When I reached it, Haydin was reading in the armchair. He didn't look up and I was quickly reminded that he was deaf. I stood in the door and watched him a moment longer. "I know you're there", Haydin said without looking up,"I can't hear you, but I can feel you watching me." I flushed. I had assumed that he wouldn't notice me. Haydin looked up from the book. "Why are you back?" he asked.

  "I thought you might want an explanation and then I have something very important to ask of you" I said.

  Haydin paused and then nodded slowly. "I was wondering why you seemed to freak out this morning." I smiled at him. He had probably thought that he would never see me again by the way I had reacted.

  I sat on the bed and faced him. "I'm glad you are sitting." "You being deaf is a huge problem for me", I said, deciding to be blunt and jump right into the problem.

 "It's a walk in the park for me", Haydin said sarcastically.

 "Not in the way you think", I said hurredly,"You are in danger. It is very important to my mother that you be in good working order."

 "Glad to know that I'm damaged goods. Like I haven't heard that before", he said growing angry.

  I sighed heavily. This wasn't how I imagined this would go at all. I was not saying the right things at all. "Haydin, shut up and let me speak", I said angrily.

  Haydin looked shocked for a moment and then smiled. "I'll be quiet until you finish. No promises if you get an earful after though." Haydin grinned teasingly. 

 "My mother and I are Aikoade. Have you ever heard of vampires?" I asked. Haydin opened his mouth, but seemed to think better of it and simply nodded. "We are similar to them. Instead of feeding on blood, we sing to stay alive. You are deaf," I said stating the obvious. "You are the only thing that we can not affect because you can not hear us. We can not steal life from you. My mother is a cruel woman. If she learns that you are immune to her charms, she will not hesitate to kill you. You can not tell anyone here that you are deaf." I stared at him, trying to gauge his reaction or belief. 

  He laughed. I smiled. It was almost becoming funny to me that people didn't believe me. He was still laughing, when I stood. "Are you okay?" he asked me," Is this the loony bin?"

  I just smiled. "My name is Reaka, by the way. I'll come get you and explain further tomorrow." She closed her eyes, leaving a shocked Haydin her wake. 


Hey, readers! Rapunzel here wanting comments and votes. Constructive criticism would be nice too. See you later!

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