Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

One Year Later

  "Hey, Mia", I said,"ready to go?"

  The pretty blonde nodded at me. "Yeah, I'm ready just had to make sure Andre did what he was supposed to."

  I laughed. Her son, Andre, was a handful. He was always getting into trouble and pushing all of his mother's buttons. He was good-hearted at his core, but he was also very mischievous. "How much trouble is he in today?" I asked as we walked to the coffee shop on campus.

  "Oh, he's only grounded for a couple more days, if he's good", she said.

  "So he's going to be grounded for life?" I asked with a laugh.

  Mia smiled. "Until he moves out at least", she agreed. 

 I had met Mia a little less than a year ago. The pretty blonde was a little over forty years old, physically. In reality she was about five hundred and thirty years old. I had not believed my luck, when I had run into her, then eighteen year old, son on my first day in the college campus. He had known what I was almost immediately and asked me politely what I was doing on campus. I noticed, however, that he kept his distance from me making it impossible for me to transport him anywhere. I had told him honestly that I was only here to learn and that I was not here to harm anyone. He had known everything about Aikoade and had not taken me at my word until I swore on the Goddess. He had taken me to his mother soon after. I was amazed to learn that his mother was also an Aikoade. She had left the Aikoade after they had told her she must have a child soon with a human man. She had escaped from them and had soon fallen pregnant with Andre soon after. She didn't talk about Andre's father much. When I asked her why she had fallen in love with him, she just said that he had trusted her even when he shouldn't have. The Aikoade found them almost immediately after they were married. He had died in the attack and she had run again, changing her name and moving to Tennessee. It was far away from any large body of water where Aikoade favored to live and hunt. 

 She had Andre six months after the death of her husband. Andre did not take after his mother, a fact that Mia was thankful for. If he had been born a male Aikoade, many Aikoade would have wished him dead. Mia and I both had stopped  feeding after we had left Aikoade society. I was, for the first time, twenty one years of age. It felt amazing. Sometimes, I thought of Haydin and his alluring grey eyes and felt thankful that he had appeared in my life. I probably would not have left otherwise. 

 Mia and I had reached the coffee house and were now seated in a booth. "So how are your studies coming along?" Mia asked me.

  "They are tough at times, but I love it. I never really thought I would enjoy learning this much. I never got to learn much with my mother. It was all about her, you know?" I asked.

  Mia grinned knowingly. "Yeah, I do. That's another reason that I became a teacher. I wanted to teach others, too."

  "I just want to learn as many languages as I can. That way I can go to other countries," I said. I wanted desperately to go to Greece, Italy, Ireland, Russia, Japan, Germany, and China. There were others, but they were the ones I wanted to go to the most. 

 We were making idle conversation when I heard the voice that made an appearance in almost all my dreams come from the coffee counter. "I'll just have a black coffee?" the voice asked. I whipped my head in the direction that the voice was coming from, hoping that Eric wasn't with him. I let out a small breath when I didn't see Eric's tall figure. Then, Haydin turned in my direction. I tried to hide myself, but I must have been too slow because I heard a tentative voice say my name. I thought that maybe if I didn't react then he would leave, but it was too much to hope. I heard Haydin's footsteps advance steadily in my direction. I knew the game was up even before it was started so I just whispered to Mia to keep her mouth shut before I looked in Haydin's direction. The moment Haydin got a good look at my face, his eyes widened in disbelief. He almost stopped in the middle of the coffee shop, but then collected himself and almost ran in my direction. He skidded to a stop in front of me. "Don't disappear again", he said and then he hugged me fiercely. I stiffened; I wasn't expecting the hug at all. He released me when he realized I wasn't returning the hug.

  He gave a tentative look in Mia's  direction and I knew that he couldn't know that she was like me. I looked at Mia and gave her a questioning look. It would make it easier to talk if he knew about her, but it wasn't my secret. She gave me a look in return. Can he be trusted? her look asked. I nodded yes. She turned to Haydin. "Let's go to my apartment. It's safer there", she suggested. Haydin looked confused, but agreed.

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