Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I stood up slowly, as the vampire watched me. The vampire's every muscle was aware for an impending attack. Aikoade were normally cruel and cunning beings and a normal Aikoade would be frantically planning an escape, possibly resulting in a death. I was not, however, a normal Aikoade. I extended my hand toward him slowly, watching for an discomfort on his part. "My name is Reaka. I swear on the Goddess that, while in your home, I will not sing nor harm you or any of your loved ones, unless you have given explicit permission", I stated solemnly. The vampire thought for a moment, probably thinking over my statement for any loophole. I knew there was none. I waited for his reaction, arm still extended.

He slowly grasped my hand. His fangs were retracted and his eyes turned a beautiful hazel. He was no longer on high awareness. He had believed my oath and was no longer tapping into his strength and other heightened senses. When an Aikoade invoked the name of the Goddess, their was no turning back. Those who broke the vow were soon found dead, often of old age, an Aikoade's worst nightmare. "My name is Eric. I must say you are like no other Aikoade I have met or heard of", said the vampire, Eric, looking into my eyes distrustfully.

"I will take that as a complement", I said, grinning, relaxing slightly.

"Can anyone tell me what the Hell just happened?" shouted a voice.

The vampire, Eric, and I quickly shifted our attention to a very confused looking Haydin.

Eric sighed. "Haydin, we need to talk."

"No, shit!" said Haydin sarcastically. I giggled; Haydin was about to get the shock of his life.

"Please, sit", said Eric, gesturing to a sectional. His living room also featured a large flat screen and small gaming device connected to the TV labeled Xbox. His home was surprisingly modern for a vampire and I guessed he was young, at least for a vampire. I was young in Aikoade terms and I was two hundred years old. Aikoade and vampires often lived at least a couple millennium.

Haydin and I sat on the sectional. I sat down and made myself comfortable. Haydin sat, but his back was ramrod straight and he looked expectantly at his friend for a much needed explanation. Apparently, Eric had decided to be blunt because his opening statement was,"I am a vampire", Eric paused to look at Haydin's shocked face and then continued. "Our kind call ourselves Muiridu, which means beautiful blood. I do feed on blood, but I have never killed anyone. It is against our laws. A vampire can not be made only born. I am not twenty-three as I told you. I am almost one hundred and fifty years old. I will live to be many millennium and then I will die."

Haydin had a disbelieving look on his face. He seemed doubtful, but then his gaze flickered to me and then to Eric's now normal looking face. "Could you, um, do a demonstration, please?" asked Haydin. Eric seemed reluctant, but seemed to understand that his friend needed proof. He closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, his eyes were blood red and, when he smiled, his fangs were obvious. Haydin stared at him and then stood slowly. He approached Eric. "Can I touch them?" he asked quietly.

Eric hesitated, but then said,"Yes, but be careful. They are sharp." Eric opened his mouth slightly and Haydin touched his fangs. He seemed to find what he was looking for because he quickly retreated back to the couch. "I am sorry I could not tell you, Haydin. We are forbidden to tell a human without good cause", said Eric regretfully.

"What is the good cause now?" asked Haydin.

"I believe that would be me", I piped up.

Eric looked at me severely. "Yes, that would be you", he said,"Speaking of which, I would like an explanation." I nodded. It was to be expected. I was an Aikoade and most Aikoade would not even think of saving a human, much less actually do it.

"Could I go get someone? I swear on the Goddess that they are not an Aikoade and, if I can not bring him, I will return alone", I said. Eric paused thinking over my vow again. He nodded. "Be back soon." I nodded and then closed my eyes.


Haydin POV

"I don't think I will ever get used to that", I said quietly, as Reaka suddenly disappeared.

"Nor should you", said Eric, "I do not trust her. I don't think I ever will. Sirens are not creatures to be trusted."

"She does not like to be called a siren. She says she is an Aikoade", I said, defending her for a reason unknown to me.

"What happened before you arrived here?" "She just appeared in my cell and was frantic. She said to think of a person I trusted and then we were here."

"Why would she be worried?" Eric asked himself quietly. I answered the question that he had not asked me.

"She said we had been found out and her mother was coming."

"Found out what?"Asked Eric.

"She said that since I was deaf, if her mother found out, she would kill me." Eric had no answer for that.

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