Happy Anniversary!!

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Whoosh. Whoosh. The sound of the TARDIS filled the air. Clara stood up and calmly and walked out of the Maitland family house and through the wooden doors of the TARDIS. It had been 1 year since that day when Clara kissed the Doctor, and it was there anniversary. Even though Clara suggested a quiet night in and a movie, the Doctor insisted he take her somewhere special. When she walked in, the Doctor tried (and failed) to hold back a gasp. He was wearing a plain white shirt, black trousers, shiny black shoes, a black blazer/jacket, finished off with a black bow tie. But to him, it was nothing compared to what Clara was wearing. She had on a sleek black dress that was snug around her figure. It's length was above the knee, and she was wearing black heels. Her brown, wavy hair flowed down onto her shoulders.

"Clara, you look.." the right word did not exist, well if it did, the Doctor couldn't find it.

"You too," replied Clara, who had a very big grin on her face; she was really looking forward to this surprise, but at the same time she was praying that no aliens came and spoiled it all. The last thing she needed was an Ood disguised as her spaghetti.

"Shall we go then?" asked Clara. The Doctor was still in shock at how beautiful Clara looked. "Oh! Yes! Yes of course!" he replied, snapping out of his trance. Suddenly he started whizzing around the control panel, flicking switches and pressing buttons. Back to his old self, the Doctor clicked his heels high in the air.

"Doctorrrrr!" Clara whined, "Tell me where we're going!!"

"Ah, ah, ah! You'll find out when we get there!" said the Doctor, speaking to Clara like she's a pupil in his year two class. Suddenly, the bangs and clatters of the TARDIS stopped.

"We're here."

Clara ran out of the double doors like an excited 6 year old. She stopped. "Oh, my GOD!!! How did you - how can you - AHHHH!!!!" Clara swung her arms around the Doctor in delight. After prying Clara of himself, the Doctor and Clara walked hand in hand, through the double doors of Tiffany's. 


"...and I'll have the fillet steak - medium - with a side of caviar." The Doctor, his eyes ginormous, took a deep breath. Clara looked dumbfounded.

"Surely you can't eat that much!" she said laughing at the same time.

"Of course I can, and don't call me Shirley!!" he teased. Well, he may have been teasing about Shirley, but he certainly wasn't teasing about how much he would eat. 2 hours later, the Doctor had eaten: a fillet steak with caviar, a seafood linguini, thai red curry, 10 chicken wings with sauce, followed by profiteroles, vanilla ice cream in a cookie cup, and a hot chocolate fudge cake *takes a deep breath*. Clara had eaten spaghetti and meatballs. Oh, and a soufflé. A perfectly fine meal for you and me, but nothing compared to the Doctor's 'meal'.

They laughed, they chatted, and generally had a great time. Clara felt like she could tell the Doctor anything. The Doctor was having such a ball that he almost forgot to ask Clara his question.

"Erm... Clara?" he managed to get out, "I know it's only been a year-"

"EXACTLY a year!" Clara interrupted.

"Y-yeah, but erm, I just wanted to ask you - oh just say you idiot!" the Doctor muttered the last bit to himself. Clara sat back, a million thoughts running through her head about what the Doctor could possibly be trying to tell her. She prayed over and over that he wasn't going to break up with her. It wouldn't make sense though would it? They'd had such a great time recently - not that they didn't anyway, but it's even better now - and not once has he seemed to doubt our love, and I certainly haven't, so he can't be breaking up with me, no. She couldn't accept that.

"Right, I'm just gonna come out and say it," he said, a very determined edge to his voice, "Clara, w-will you marry me? I - I mean, we've been having so much fun, and I just thought to make it all even better, I-" Clara rolled her eyes, looking quite unfazed by the question. In reality, she was very shocked.

"Oh, shut up!" she laughed, then reached over the table and kissed him. "S-so?" asked the Doctor, little dazed (he's clearly VERY bad at taking hints).

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