Party Time!!

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Strobe lights danced about, music was blaring, and everyone was having a blast. Sure, there were only six of them, and one of them was an Ood who just stood there like a statue, but that didn't stop the Doctor, Clara, Strax, Jenny and even Madame Vastra from dancing and singing terribly. Long after night had fallen and hours after the ceremony, pretty much everyone had decided they'd best head home - except the Doctor, who (after dropping a very tired Ood Sigma off back home) was still doing the "drunk giraffe" like a lunatic.

"C'mon Doctor, we need to go now, we're all exhausted!!" Clara said. Reluctantly, the Doctor allowed Clara to drag him to the TARDIS. Once everyone was inside, he flicked some switches and landed in Victorian London.

"I hope you two do well and don't turn into an old arguing couple!" said Madame Vastra as they were saying their farewells.

"Don't worry Madame," the Doctor chuckled, "Me? Old? Pfft. Although," he whispered the last part, "Clara is looking a bit worn out! Getting a few laughter lines, if you know what I mean!" Oblivious to the fact that Clara was standing right behind him, the Doctor continued to laugh, then all of a sudden he looked quite worried. "She's behind me, isn't she?" As Madame Vastra stifled a laugh, the Doctor gingerly turned around to face a very annoyed looking yet amused Clara, who was looking up at the Doctor with her arms crossed firmly across her chest. He tried to look sorry, but it didn't really work. Clara suddenly hit him hard on the arm.

"Oi! You don't want to get divorced, do you?" she teased. The Doctor stuck his tongue in a childish way, then spun around on his heels to face Vastra.

"Have a good life. Until I see you again," he said calmly, before turning to Jenny and Strax, "and that goes to all of you, but don't be having too much fun!" Once they'd said their goodbyes to Clara and wished them both the best, the Paternoster Row (apart from the Doctor of course) left the TARDIS after a great night.

"Well then, Mr Oswald," Clara started, until the Doctor interrupted.

"Ah, no, Clara, it doesn't work that way-"

"Er, yes it does, Mr Oswald! Now then, where to next?" With a big gappy smile, the Doctor, or should I say Mr Oswald, shouted "GERONIMO!!!!!"

If you managed till the end, congratulations!! But seriously, thank you so so so so much for reading this, and if you voted or commented, you get an extra thanks!!! I've had a hard time recently, and writing this and seeing all the votes and comments has really cheered me up, so THANK YOU ALL!!!! Alex

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