Mr and Mrs

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A/N hi guys sorry it's been a while, but I've been quite busy with my astronomy coursework and exams (freaking school) but now I have time so yay!! This is the marriage finally, so I hope you like it! Please comment and vote!! Also I have another whouffle fanfic called Clara Who? so please read it and tell me what you think!!!   Alex

Vworp. Vworp... Silence. The TARDIS had landed at it's destination. The Doctor looked up at the Paternoster Row and his wife-to-be with a huge grin on his face.  He kicked opened the doors and let everyone out.

"Welcome," he said as they all walked out onto a sandy shore, awe-struck, "to Oceanopolis! It's basically what you'd think: goldeny-white beaches on the edge of carribean islands floating on beautiful blue... well, oceans." No-one else said a word, they were all speechless. Out of nowhere, an Ood appeared, and calmy approached the group.

"Ah, Ood Sigma!" cried the Doctor, making everyone jump, as they hadn't yet noticed Ood Sigma until the Doctor shouted out. "Nice to see you!" Ood Sigma bowed gracefully, both hands on his translator orb.

"Greetings to you all. I will be your vicar and aid both Clara and Doctor in their bond of eternal love. I'm glad to be of service." he strolled off into the wilderness beyond.

"Well!" shouted the Doctor, clapping his hands together, "You lot can have a wander about and I'll get to sorting out the ceremony. Have fun!" He walked off over to an area that no-one could see. Just when everyone was about to explore, the Doctor's head popped back up again.

"Oh, and around here is out of bounds until I say so - unless you want to ruin the surprise!" He shot back off into the 'out of bounds' area and lots of bangs and crashes could be heard and a few "Geronimo"s here and there. A couple of hours later, the three Suns were beginning to set, and the golden beach of Oceanopolos looked more beautiful than ever. Brushing some sand off his shoulder, the Doctor cooly walked onto the shore on which the TARDIS was parked - he needed to gather everyone together. Fortunately, they were all sat on the beach watching the three sunsets. The Doctor sat down next to Clara and put an arm around her.

"The ceremony's ready." he whispered in her ear as she gazed starstruck at the horizon. Slowly, she got to her feet while the Doctor informed everyone else. After everyone had stood up, he bounded off, everyone else keen to follow. They gasped. Even the Doctor was quite impressed with his handywork. They were in a flat area on the opening of a tropical jungle, which had an arch to walk through at the entrance completely made of branches and vines, a makeshift aisle made from branches and then topped with sand, a few chairs at either side for Strax, Jenny and Vastra, and finally, a beautiful arch similar to the one at the entrance, only it had a back made of bamboo, so it looked kind of like a hood from a coat stood up. Stood in the arch, was Ood Sigma. The Doctor walked up to the top, trying to act cool, but everyone could tell he wanted to sprint down the aisle, and no doubt he would've gone faster than Usaine Bolt. When he got to the top, he pressed his sonic screwdriver and with a "vreeee" music played out of nowhere - it was Gallifreyan, but everyone still thought it was fascinating. As it started, Madame Vastra and Jenny picked up the trail of Clara's beautiful dress as she made her way down the aisle, a HUGE grin on her face. After what felt like days, Clara joined the Doctor, and Jenny and Madame Vastra sat down in their seats, smiling warmly. Through the arch at the entrance, Strax appeared, and waddled down the aisle with a cushion laid out flat on his hands. On the cushion were two rings - the ones from Geminamena. The Doctor and Clara each took hold of one and then Strax joined his friends and sat down. With huge smiles plastered across their faces, the Doctor and Clara faced each other as Ood Sigma started to talk.

"Clara Oswald, do you take the Doctor to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do." She smiled brightly at the Doctor.

"And Doctor?" Sigma asked, snapping the Doctor out of his trance at Clara.

"Hm? Yes? Sorry, yes?" he stuttered. Sigma carried on, "Do you take Clara to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Then you must exchange rings." They did so, the Doctor putting Clara's ring on her finger first, followed by Clara putting the Doctor's ring on his finger.

"Excellent." stated Ood Sigma, then turning to the Doctor, "You may now kiss the bride." And with that, the Doctor put his hands on Clara's waist and Clara wrapped hers around the Doctor's neck and they kissed for what seemed like hours. 

When they finally pulled apart, the Doctor shouted, , "Well then, time for the party!!" he sprinted off then beckoned everyone to follow, taking his new wife by the hand.

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