Chapter Seven

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Dan awoke from the dirt grond with a police officer standing over him. "Hm." Was all Dan could manage.

"You passed out son. Lucky. Killer thought you were dead."


The memories quickly flowed back all at once.

Just like how you should be Dan.

Just like that, the voices were back. The cop walked away.

"No." Dan whispered in disbelief, but Dan couldn't fight. He didn't have the strength. All of his strength, hope, and love was dead. Dan ivested all of his love in Emily, and it got her dead.

It's your fault.
You took her t the fair grounds.
You didn't run fast enough.
You're psychotic.

"I know." Dan whispered. The voices have never been so clear, been so loud, been so honest, until now.

"Emily...." He whispered. He found  the courage to crawl to her body, which wasn't far. He looked at her.

She had dirt smudges all over her face, mud covered her cheeks, blood covered her hands and back. Her eyes were still open. Her silver eyes that once held hope and love, now justhold a forever gaze.

Dan pleaded. "Please... Emily blink. C'mon I'm sorry. I'll go back on the Ferris Whee for five hours, we'll go home and get you a jacket anything just-" Dan tried to swallow the lump in his throat. Tears streamed down his face. "Please. Just blink. For me? Em." He called her grabbing her shoulders. Her hand travelling down to the open skin on her arms. Ice cold, the dead cold. "Em... I love you." Dan sobbed. He sobbed harder  than he ever has and took her body and held it  in his arms. Like how he did last night. Like how he did when she died.

"Sir..." A new officer approached him. "We need to know the names of everyone who died so... Who was that?"

Dan felt anger and hatred burnig the back of his throat. "Not was. Is. This is Emily." Dan snarled. The officer didn't look phased, he just wrote the name down.


"Emily Peterson. Her name is Emily Peterson."

Short chapter. I did that on purpose. Phil is coming!!!!!

I felt really  bad writing this. I almost crafted :'(

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