Chapter Seven - Justin's Point of View

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Justin's POV

I had been nervously sitting in the waiting room for eight minutes. Only two minutes left until I had to find someone to kill. I just hoped that it wouldn't be Dylan or Aaliyah. I couldn't stand to watch them be devastated about eachothers death.

Wait a second? How am I going to kill the person? Where am I going to look first?

I tapped my foot and closed my eyes as I thought. Then, Astrid walked in, signaling me to go. My heart

pounded as I stood up from the chair and walked out of the room. Astrid handed me an ax, which I guess takes care of one of my questions. I grasped the handle tightly and looked at the blood stained blade.

At least I knew I wasn't going to die.

Astrid told me to check all over the house first. He knew where the players were, so someone he disliked must've been in the house. Paris?

I can't do this. But I have to if I want to live. I've heard of some people being the last to survive the camp and either becoming Master or being brainwashed and you get to leave. I'm really not sure what I would choose. If I had to be as evil as Astrid, I'd probably choose being brainwashed.

But I will survive this game. This camp. I will leave this world and go back to mine.

I walked down the hallway into the kitchen. While I opened every cabinet I saw absolutely no one.

I turned left and ventured into the living room. No one was behind the couch, love seat, or under the dining table.

These people are better than I thought.

Bedroom time. They had to be in there.

I first checked Sabrina and Isabella's room, but all I found was a lot of pictures and shoes. Not even Sabrina who had be missing since this morning.

Now my room. I had second thoughts about checking my room since I thought maybe Dylan would be in there. And honestly, I was kind of hoping Ray WAS in there. That way I could kill my "new bestfriend".

What was I saying?

I came to two doors. The only two left. Which one would someone come more to hiding in? Astrid's room, or Aaliyah and Paris's?

Astrid's. For sure.

I opened the door oh so gently and walked into the Victorian style bedroom. I looked at Astrid's bed, which looked like it had sharp nails laying on the mattress. Then I noticed it was the spread over the bed. He had a black duvet hanging up on the wall with a flaming skull on it, and all the furniture looked broken down. All the walls were painted a black color, except for the wall that the canopy bed was on. It was red with black splatter paint. Astrid definitely had his unusal style.

I looked around the room wondering where I would hide if I was playing. Under the bed?


In the bathroom shower?

Of course not.

Behind the room divider?

Too obvious.

The closet.

No...well maybe?

I thought to myself, 'Do I really want to look in there?' I slowly walked over to the closet, and with my eyes revealed shut I opened it and swing the ax. Did I hit anything? I opened one eye and looked inside the black closet.

Oh yeah I hit something alright. I just put a hole in half of Astrid's clothes. But then I noticed a weird red carpet that was on the ground below me. Although, it wasn't carpeting. It was...blood. Dylan's blood.

I had killed my best friend. Aaliyah's going to hate me, I'm officially going to Hell(not like I wasn't in the first place), and I'm stuck with Ray.

You'd think I'd feel bad for killing my friend. But truthfully, I was just happy to get this game over with.

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