Chapter Sixteen-Aaliyah's Point of View

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Aaliyah's POV


I sat there at the cabin table and looked at the piece of paper in front of me. I was the only one outside, so it was easy to be alone and she'd a tear once every second.

Why was I crying, you ask?

The paper in my hand was the note Dylan had given me the night before he died.

Dear Aaliyah,

I love you. I love you more than anything. I just want you to know that if anything happens to me before this game is over, I will stay in contacts with you. Baby your all that I want, and don't let anyone tell you differently. If I'm dead while your reading this message, just rememeber me as I was.

Your love,


I flipped the paper onto the back to make sure there wasn't anything I'd missed.

In bright red letters, not neseccarily blood, read "Sabrina Ocidere"

The crap?

That had never been on the paper before, and I'm pretty sure I'd be able to notice it with it being this big and it being electric red.

All I knew is that it had the word Sabrina in it.

Speaking of the devil..

"Aaliyah. Come on! We have stuff to do!" Sabrina was wearing her usual. A fur vest, white turtleneck(yeah that won't attract blood), Levi skinny jeans, and boots that came up to her freakin thighs.

I shoved the paper into my bright blue jacket and got up. I walked over to Sabrina, who then nestled her arm into mine, so basically we were interlocking arms,"Did you get it?"

I pulled a bottle out from my other pocket and showed it to her, "This stuff is dangerous, so don't let it touch you."

It was rat poison. Hell's ultimate poiseing killer.

"So let's go ever the plan." she said.

"I take him to my bedroom."

"I come in, pretending to be your new best friend, offer you two a few drinks, and bam. He's dead as a doorknob."

We were still arm in arm, walking to the front door, "How are we gonna dispose of his body?"

"Just like I disposed of Dylan's."

Those words SICKENED me.

"In the lake," she finished.

"Just rememeber that his cup goes in left."

"Don't worry. I'll be careful."

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