Visiting (part one)

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Dedicated to TheDevilsDomain
Thx for the idea

I go into the hospital room and i see mell on the bed. Her face is covered in bruises, she has stitches on her forehead. It makes me break down even more, my best friend and my daughter are both in the hospital in very bad conditions all because of what? My stupidity!

I grab a chair and i sit down next to her bed and i pray. I pray for her to wake up.

Like 10 minutes later brady comes in and says 'katy, kathy woke up she wants to see you" i get up and i almost sprint to my babygirls hospital room.

When i get there i see juan sitting on a chair talking to kathy and they look so sweet talking and laughing.

I gently knock on the door and kathy squeals "momma!!" I walk over to her bed  and i gently hug and kiss kathy. "Hey babygirl momma missed you" i say. She wipes my tears and says "don't cry momma I'm ok" I lay down on her bed and we eat McDonald's that juan gets us and we watch tv the rest of the night

As soon as kathy falls asleep i get up and head over to mells room. I grab twilight from a table and i skip right to my favorite part, where Edward and Bella go to the forest and Edward says "and so the lion fell for the lamb" I read that chapter over and over again.

When visiting time is over i go to mells bed and i kiss her goodbye and i leave

286 words

Thanks a whole lot to TheDevilsDomain for helping me out love you 😘😘

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