Loop hole?

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Bonnie: Guys, I think I found a loop hole.

Klaus: Well? What is it?

Stefan: Come on Bonnie tell us!

Bonnie: We kill Kai and we destroy Esther's magic pendant.

Klaus: Esther's magic pendant is with Rebekah....

Stefan: Kai is annoying the heck out of me so when he comes here next I will snap his neck.

Rebekah: Bonnie?

Bonnie: Yes Rebekah.

Rebekah: Do you really need to destroy it?

Bonnie: Yes, I am sorry. I can make a replicate of it but it won't have anything to do with your mother.

Rebekah: Do it, bring Caroline back.

Bonnie: Okay, let's do it bring me the necklace. It's time to bring our friends back.

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