Private chat

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Kol has started a chat with Bonnie

Bonnie: What's up Kol.

Kol: I was wondering if you um....

Bonnie: What Kol?

Kol: Would you be my girlfriend?

Bonnie: Yes!!!

Kol: You don't know how happy you make me.

Bonnie: I can imagine.

Kol has added Caroline

Caroline: Why am I here?

Kol: Bonnie and I are now officially dating and I know her mother abandoned her and you are like a sister to her.

Caroline: So......

Kol: I want to make sure you approve of me and Bonnie.

Caroline: Bonnie does he make you happy?

Bonnie: Yes he does

Caroline: Has he ever made you cry?

Bonnie: No

Caroline: Okay I approve. Congrats lovebirds.

Caroline has left the chat

Kol: Omg! Caroline approved

Bonnie: Yup she did.

Kol: So Miss.Bennett be ready at 7 o'clock because I am taking you on a date.

Bonnie: I'll be ready Mr. Mikealson.

Kol: See you then Bonnie. I love you

Bonnie: I love you too Kol.

A/n: Hey guys guess what I am not dead. I had 2 races in skiing this week and I am so exhausted and my body function(which is usually 8) is at a 1.5.

I can't wait for skiing to be over.
Next update: 2/13/17

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