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"I can only name three words that could possibly describe how I feel. Alone, but I'm surrounded by people who love me and will always be there for me. Or so they say. Miserable, though the smile on my face and in my eyes would never reveal that. And mysterious, people try and call me an open book, but if that were the case I would be in prison by now. My name is Angelique, I work for WCI, a hacker network that works to take down everything the goverment stands for. I am 15 years old, and the top hacker. I guess you could say it was a "long" or "hard" journey, but that would be a lie. Truth is, I just always hack, no patience, no learning, just hacking. It took maybe a week to get where I am. The kids at school hate me, I am of the Outsiders, those who Smile but are full of Spite. If I have answered all the questions the detective behind the glass has given you, may I ask you one?" He stood in awe as I quickly answered all the questions, and seemingly put myself in the center of the crime net, while likely being filmed, "How is detective Larson's kids doing?"

"Who?" Asked the obvious rookie, giving his lie away with a twitch of the foot.

"The detective behind the glass, Rookie Blue. His daughter, Amanda she just turned 7 didn't she? And his son, the jock, 16. His name is Gerald, I believe. What a ridiculous boys name, but each parent has their own definition of a perfect child's name, huh?" Thats when Larson barged in. He was obviously upset about what I said, oops. Hehe. He's falling into the trap and doesn't even know it! The look on his face when he realizes he has hit the ground. "Aw. There you are. Where have you been all this time? Probably looking for your kids huh? Too bad. Too, too bad." I smirked in spite of trying to retain a cold expression.

"You are going to tell me where my kids are, and you are going to now, or I will turn that camera off, and punch it out of you!You little-"
I cut him off.

"The camera has been off. And I don't know where your children are, just like you didn't know where my family was remember? It's called karma, and it's coming down on you for never even batting an eye about my family! You call me bad, well look in the gosh darn mirror, 'detective'!" That astounded him. They still haven't caught on have they? "I was four years old, when they disappeared, when I came seeking your help, when you rejected the case, and when I started working for them. Now your whole department is hacked, and I am going to get off Scott-free! This is karma, you didn't help me look for my family, well I'm not going to help you with yours!" And with that I stood up and left. No one tried to stop me. They had no evidence to hold me any longer. I won. The boy and girl would be taken care of. And I would go back to my "bat cave" as Andras called it.

If your wondering what that meant, it would be that it's an organized, polished room with only my moniters and laptop for light. It's where the magic happens. Maybe I should get a microphone, so people won't come in the cave anymore. Not only does the place creep them out, but they always mess something up. I have yet to mention how much I don't like speaking to them, but it would make it a lot easier if I didn't have to look at them while I do. I sneak a peek at my watch and start running. Crap, I thought Damin said school would be out by now! Was I really only in there for two hours? They will be proud, fastest anyone has gotten out of the cooler. They will be the only ones to see the video other than me, and when I get back, I will show them the tape from my earing cam. Cops think they are so smart, searching pockets, and doing that stupid perverted pat-down. Didn't even check to see the obvious camera in my left earing. Of course, I'll need to edit out the part about my own family, that will be for me personally. The rest will be theirs to keep. If they are super pleased by his reaction, and I'm sure they will be, they will possibly let me see my sister. Now of course I'm not talking about that stupid WCI, that doesn't actually exist. Yeah, I lied to the cops, the cops will be searching for a fake organization. We will operate without detection. I get back to the school building, still thinking about what OSS is doing with my sister...

"Angelique! Hey, wait up!" Cried Michael, running to catch up with me, "You okay? You were gone for like two hours, max time you've spent in the Principal Quelquer's office is thirty minutes!"

"I was at the police station." I stopped in front of my locker to put my stuff away, "Not sure why. Not like I did anything."

"Don't you work for some hacker network?" He replied.

"Well, yeah. But there isn't anything I've done recently, they're fishing." I shut my locker door, and Michael grabbed my elbow opposite of him and turned me toward him.

"You would tell me if you were in any trouble, right?" He said it like he was looking for the right words, tripping over every syllable. I grew confused, as his face grew with concern, my best guess was that this is what friends do. I hadn't had any before Michael, but we hadn't become fiends until last month. I was still new at this. I looked up, and he looked me directly in the eye. His smooth dirty blond hair going all over the place, and his deep hazel eyes glistening as he spoke. He was quite handsome, as the other girls said. I was never really into that kind of thing.

"Of course. You're like my brother, I'll tell you everything." I gave a half-hearted smile, but he kept looking at me. He glanced to see if there was anyone around, like he was debating whether or not to break a rule or something. Michael was popular, and the fact that we were friends, kind of threw me into the circus. Eventually I pulled away from his grip, and grabbed my lunch.

"When exactly are we going to eat?" I joked, and walked towards the cafeteria.

"Right behind ya!" He sprinted to catch up, putting an arm around me, I believe in an attept to slow down. Instead, we both smashed into the floor. At the last second before hitting, I turned my body 180 degrees, and we landed with him on top of me. His face only centimeters from mine. Just then, Vanessa strolled into the hallway with her demon-twins, Mia and Maria. I scrambled to get up, Michael was shocked, and his face looked like a tomato. I was too late anyways, they had seen our collapse.

"MICHAEL! What are you doing with that freak? We're supposed to be together after all, I mean, quarterback of the football team, and head cheerleader, HELLO?!" She was up in his face, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Yeah, this loser, Michael, compared to Vanessa? AS IF!" Mia snaked.

"Oh chill out you two. She probably did something, not Michael. I mean, that's right up the freaks ally!" Maria snickered.

"Oh shut up, all of you. He ran into me, fell over. That's it. Nothing happened." I rolled my eyes. Michael seemed hurt, "Michael, are you okay?"

His voice got really low, to a whisper almost, but I could've sworn he said, "Nothing?" and my confusion grew. My phone ringed.

"Saved by the bell, weirdo." Mia teased.

"You're lucky freak," Vanessa said threateningly, "Stay away from Michael, you hear?"

"Vanessa, stop. It's my life, you're not my girlfriend, and you certainly don't control either of our lives." They kept talking, but I left to answer my phone.

"Yo, my hacker with wings, how ya doin?" Andras. Of course.

"What do you want Andras, I have school." I snapped back.

"Sorry, Babygirl, but the boss needs you, pronto." I groaned, "I know. I know. But hey, look on the bright side, you get to see me, right?" Michael came over.

"Who is it?"

I covered the speaker, "Andras. I got to go to see Big Will, I guess. Pronto."

"I'll go with you." I tried to say something, but he gave me 'the look'.

"I'm going to have to bring a friend Andras."

"Fine. Whatever. Just get your pretty self down here."

"Got it." I hung up the phone, and Michael and I walked to his car.

"Who's Andras, exactly?"

"He's about our age, the boss hired him as a little pet." He cringed when I said Andras was our age, but followed me outside.

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