Truth Or Dare?

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*Smutty Smut smut*

(1,471 words)

Gerard's POV

"So, will you come to this party? Come on man, it's gonna be pretty rad. You can't miss it." Ray Toro, one of the badasses of the school had spoken to me during recess.

"Uh, sure I guess. I don't know why you're inviting me, but sure." I sigh, and place a strand of hair behind my ear.

I look out of the corner of my eye, and see Frank Iero. Yes, you heard me. Frank. Fucking. Iero. I caught him staring at my ass. Frank averts his gaze to his feet, and walks away quickly.

"What time is it? that..Frank Iero coming?"

"8:30 tonight. And yes, he's coming. See you there." Ray playfully pushes me and walks away.

Even though Ray is still a badass, him and I have been friends since we were kids. He only talks to me nicely when it's me and him. Ray turns and flashes a smile at me before hurrying to catch up to his friends. I was excited. I was gonna be able to see Frank Iero.
Frank's POV

I'm supposed to be the biggest dick in the school. Its true. But I can't help but look at Gerard. He doesn't know I know his name. But I hear so much about him, it's hard not to fall for him. Gerard is too pure.

I saw him talking to Ray, and I couldn't help but check him out. He was taller than me, and he had that bright red hair I liked. Gerard turned and saw me staring, and I ran off in embarrassment.

I start to wonder if I'm going to see Gerard at the party tonight. That may be what Ray was asking. I'm really wanting to meet him..and possibly... No frank, no. You can't fuck him.

I shrug and I walk outside. I sit down on the grass by a tree I see Gerard at all the time. I soon see him walk out and he sees me by the tree. I watch his face turn crimson.

"I won't bite. Come here and say hello." I grin, watching him. Gerard looked a little scared.

"I...I don't...are you...sure?" He didn't look at me again. He fiddled with the ends of his shirt and moved his feet around. God damn, you're fucking adorable.

"I'm positive, Gerard."

"How in the hell do you know my name?!" Gerard panics a little.

"Relax." I walk up to him, with a sly smirk. I frown suddenly, realizing the height difference.

"Are you going to the party tonight? I'd like to see you there." I ask him. Gerard's face lights up.

"Yes, I'm going! I'm really excited to see you and hang...out....Oh fuck.." He covers his mouth.

"Oh, you're happy to see me? I see. See you tonight, Gee." I walk past him, brushing my hand against his. I chuckle to myself, and mentally scream 'yes'.
Gerard's POV. At the party

Holy fuck. There's so many people. I study my surroundings. There's a lot of people. This place is crowded. It would be tough finding Frank. I couldn't help but think about him this whole time.

I suddenly feel hands on my ass, and I gasp. I turn around and see Frank, who is wasted.

"Hi, b-babe~" He has a slur in his voice. I decide to play along, just to know what he says.

"Well hello, mister."

"Mmm, you've got a *hic* nice ass going on *hic, hic* here."

"Why thank you." I needed to step up my game. "I know you're small, but I'm sure that dick of yours says different." I smirk, getting a little aroused. Frank drops his drink, and he covered his mouth.

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