Chapter 2

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Hey readers, lolaandkiki here. FUN! Now, LEGO

    As we get to know each other, I start to wonder why we're here. "Why are we here?" Simon says " I'm guessing it's Jessica, I mean all I ever am is a good deed, most likely to boost her image." I say. Julia laughs at that. "I can just see it. 'Jessica, savior of poor band of misfits'" she adds. "I like to think of myself as a sidekick, thank you very much" I say. "Whys that?" John says. " Well, I know everything about anyone, and people ask me for help. Even though I never help them, I do like to say sidekick." I say. "OH so you're a gossip girl." As he says this, I glare at John."No, it's just people don't know how to shut up and be quiet. People are way to loud, over stupid things too."

"So like an observer?" Julia asks. "EXACTLY!" I say. She smiles. "Well, sidekick, who exactly is you're hero?" She says as she puts her backpack on. "Um... Well... I had one, I guess, but she's no longer in the state anymore." I say quietly.

"Well, we can be sidekicks together than." She says. We all look at her weirdly."What. I wanna be a sidekick. Sidekicks are so much cooler than hero's. Plus, Who wants to be the center of attention anyways?" She says. "Not me." Simon whispers. "Well, I'm in, might as well. I don't have any friends so yeah" John says. "I wonder why" I say and roll my eyes. "Awe, are you flirting with each other" Julia says. "EWW! I only just met him and he's a complete douche" I say. " Come on babe, I'm not that bad" He says. " Don't 'babe' me fedora head" "what's wrong with fadoras?" He says. I just roll my eyes. " Wait, if we're all seniors, we'll only be friends for a year." Simon says. "Not necessarily" A booming voice says. "Who's there?" Julia says.

    "You four have been called up to meet. For you all posses powers of unimaginable greatness."
"Uh sorry, you got the wrong people, WE ARE ALL HUMAN" John says while flailing his arms like a maniac.

"That's what you've been told, but.. You all have one power." The voice says.

" and how is that a power of GREATNESS like you said." Julia says.

" well alone you are powerful but together, you're even more. Unbeatable if you will"

" I AM A HUUUUUMAN" John says while continuing his spasm

" Welders of this magic normally are. This powers is granted to them."

" by who?" I ask.

" by the universe?" John says with hope in his eyes. How many fairy tales has he read?

" No, by the Ministry of Peace. You guys should be considered lucky for they only do this once," The voice says, obviously tiered of Johns antics.

"Wait, but once we die, what will happen with our power?" Simon asks.

"FINALLY an intelligent question. Well, you won't die. So meet the people you will be spending a lifetime with."

"WHAT! That means we meet people that will die, and the only people we will see our entire life are EACH OTHER!" I say.


"What, you don't like us?" Julia asks accusingly

"NO, I like you guys, just not FADORA FACE OVER THErE!" I scream.

"Whelp too bad, suck it up." John says.

"Anyways, you band of sidekicks will be helping out our main defense. Luckily, since you don't know how to use your power, I will only make you train and help our with the others. Like reinforcement." The voice says. So I really am just a sidekick.......AWESOME! Less probability I will die than.

"Anyways, you're probably wondering what you're power is?" The voice says.

"Well, each of you has one of the elements. It will come clear to you which one you have with you're personality"  It says. 

"So Johns air?" I say

"Why, cause I'm super fast and AWESOME!" He screams.
"No cause you're an airhead." I say.

"NO air would be quiet, he is not quiet." Julia says.

I wonder which one I am.

The Elements: Band of Sidekicks Where stories live. Discover now