Chapter 3

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   Hmm. Judging by personality it would make sense for John to be fire, then again so could I. Julia could be air, but so could Simon. I could be earth, but so could Julia. Julia could be water, but so could John.

   "Earth to Erica?" John says while flailing his arm in my face. "What." I say

"Well we ALL need to figure out our power or the Peace whatever will have our butts." He says

" Ok. Let's start with fire." I suggest

" Who here is loud, has a fiery attitude?" Julia asks.
"How about this. I'll ask this question and you'll answer it." I say
" Why are you wearing that?"

"Uhh I dunno it was in my closet" Simon says

" I think it looks cool" Julia says

" UHhhhh is that supposed to be an insult. Because I can tell you right now, you don't look to hot yourself." John says.

" ok I think we found our fire," I say. Julia looks at me and says

" how about this, What would you do? Walk on the path or jump through vines?""

" path" I say

"Path" Simon says

" VINES ARE AWESOME!" John screams

"Yup fire over here!"

" ooh is it Simon, cause he's a ginger. I CALLED IT! " John screams,

" you really are an idiot." I say

" but you like this idiot"

" pfft I'd rather date my brother" I say
"OH I'm hurt E" he says.
" E, that's all you could come up with"

" stop flirting you two, we need to test out our theory" Julia says

" OH OH I GOT IT!" John screams

" It's ERICA cause she's Asian!" He says.

Is he serious? Oh my god he's an idiot.

" John... Try and imagine fire in you're hand, like in the movies," Simon says. All of a sudden, John starts to close his eyes and look constipated.

" JOHN. Relax" I say and reach out to touch his shoulder and as I touch it he relaxes. A tiny flame appears out of his hand. Instead of being calm and relaxed about this, he decides flailing his arms like a homicidal maniac was the best idea. I swear he almost set me on fire.

"Watch it, you have fire in your hands and I don't feel like getting burned" Julia says. I nod my head in agreement. " why is he such an idiot." I say. " sidekicks usually are sweetheart" he says tapping his fedora down. Isn't he a cheeky little bastard.

"Since we got him figured out, what next?" Simon asks.

" what about water?" Julia says

" so calm, cool, collected, and not John" I say.

" Yup. Basically" Julia says.

" so, how would you respond to Jessica saying'OOH SHES SO OOGALY'" John mimics a squeaky toy while saying this. I have to hold back my laughter.

" uhh, well... I guess" Simon stumbles over his words awkwardly.

" pfft BIOTCH" Julia says while laughing

" Why thank you my good sir, I mean ma'am" I say

"Ooh that's hard" John says. " Julia or Erica. Hmmm"

"Ok, umm would you rather mountain climb or, take a calm relaxing canoe ride?" John says


"Nah, water is sooo much cooler" I say


"Hmm, what would you do if someone were to spread a rumor about you." Simon asks

"I would rip their heads off" Julia says

" Why should I care?" I say. I've never really cared about what others think of me. Why should I? It's not like they care about me. I probably won't ever see them again after school anyways so. I really shouldn't care.

" I think we've found our water sir" Simon says and looks towards John

If I'm water, than I should be able to take moisture from the air and form it in my hands.
Ok, think. Think Erica think. What does air and water feel like? You know. Now take that water and pull it in you're hand. Relax, you can do it Erica. Just relax. The next thing you know there is water in my hand.

" woah" John says

You know, if John wants to set me on fire, I get to pour water on him right? It's only fair

So I take the water in my hand and force it over to him and dump it.


Julia and I burst out laughing and John glares at me.

" sidekick my a** you're like a full on hero for that" Julia says

" this isn't over E" John says

" ok ok" calm down Erica it wasn't that funny. After I regain my composure I start to think of air. Who here is quiet, stealthy and agile. Quiet, not Julia.

" Simon, try and push me with air" I say
And he nods, catching on to why I'm suggesting. The next thing I know I'm pushed across the room.

" Jeez, you could be more gentle you know." I say

" oh, im sorry" he mutters

" OH That means I'm earth right Erica?"

As I look over to where she's standing she closes her eyes and lifts her hands. A little rock comes out of the ground.

Looks like our band of sidekicks is off to a great start

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