Chapter 4

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This past week has been confusing. I've Ben hanging around with Julia, John and Simon, though, people seem to want to talk to us more. I guess this elemental stuff is pretty huge. The Ministry of Peace has called us to train tomorrow, I don't see why. We are only going to be the 'help' for the main forces. Honestly. They might as well take us there and ask us for a coffee. If I went there it would be ' hey Erica, can I have a pumpkin spice please. Thank you' I don't understand the whole ' you were made for greatness' speech when all we are doing is patting the 'Heros' on the back and letting THEM do all the work. Of course I don't mind, I get tired from just walking up 5 flights of stairs, more like 1. Wait. By training does that mean I have to do physical training too? Crap.

" um E, you ok? You look white. Are you worried about the training?" John asks

" I CANT EVEN DO A PUSH UP." I say. Or wail, depending on your point of view, I could have just sounded like a 5 year old or a dying whale.

"Oh. That's kinda sad. But we'll help you, right Guys" John says smiling

Recently, John has grown on me. Like an annoying oversized backpack, you get used to him.

"Well, you're not the only weak one so we can go through this together. Buddies?" Simon says

" Buddies" I say and we fist bump. Simons pretty cool. He definitely isn't as annoying as John so that's a plus. Though I think Julia likes him. She keeps smiling whenever he even walks into a room.

" Julia, wanna come over to my place tonight?" I ask

" sure" she says

We walk into the ministry's building and it is Huge. I thought my house was big, well until I saw Julia's or Johns or Simons, well actually my house is technically small compared to anyone else's. I still think it's big. Big enough for me. Compared to this though, my house is like a tiny speck.


A short pale guy comes over to us.
" I assume you four are the element wielders." He Says. We nod

" my name is Casey, I'll be yours guid here."
He smiles and two of his teeth are fangs. Wouldn't want to wake up to that in the morning. Creepy to the max.

Casey shows us around and then takes us to the training room. " Jesus Christ I would get lost in here at least 10000 times." I whisper. I see Casey staring at me intently. What did I say, creepy to the max.

" What blood type are you?" he asks

" NOPE NOPE NOPEITY NOPE!" I say while backing up. He laughs at me and says

" I was joking, you were looking at me like I was a creep"

I laugh nervously at this. How could I be so stupid. Don't judge a book by its cover, or fangs Erica.

" Sorry, just haven't had the best history with vampires" cough cough Jessica.

"It's fine, you are human, sorta, so I understand" he says and smiles. I look over to see that John kinda looks constipated while looking at Casey.

" dude, you going to poop yourself or something?" I ask him.

He looks at me and mumbles "no"what's got up his butt and died?

" OO you jelly?" Julia says.

"Pfft. Nah, of E, ha" he says while tipping his fedora

Where do all these hats come from?

" well here's where you'll train so go ahead and, oh I'm also you're training instructor too" he says. Poor him, getting stuck with us all day. Ha.

" ok, so today you all need to by physically fit to last on your own without someone helping you." Blah blah blah. Typical ' you're only here to get us coff---- wait did he say physically fit. I'm screwed. " um... lady with the glasses, you ok?"


" sorry she's not in shape at all so, yeah" Simon says

" oh, well why don't you try the ellipticals and then weights than" Casey points towards the ellipticals. Running, yay.

I'm screwed

The Elements: Band of Sidekicks Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant