Chapter 3 |Aoi|

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■▪■▪■▪■Amon POV■▪■▪■▪■

What do I do with him? Take him to the CCG or...? I stared at the unconcious teen. It was dark out by now and the pavement was bathed in a soft moonlight. I sighed, and against my better judgment, picked him up bridal style. He shifted his weight, and was leaning into my chest, clutching my jacket in his hands. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly.

I had finally arrived at my apartment. I slipped my shoes off and placed the boy on my bed. This is an incredibly stupid decision... or is it? Honestly, Eyepatch had always looked way to human, it was almost disturbing how human he looked, yet, he is a ghoul. I reached down and removed the black leather mask that had covered his face. I gasped slightly at how young he looked. I turned retrieved a roll of gauze, I grabbed a wet cloth and lifted his jacket and shirt up, revealing smooth skin. I felt a slight crimson creep onto my face. I began to wash the wound, the Eyepatch hissed a few times in pain but never woke. The white haired boy lay in my bed in sleep, while I was cooking food. I'm not a great cook honestly... The smell of burning egg filled the room. Suddenly, an agonized screech filled the apartment, I dropped the spat Chula and ran into my room. I saw the Eyepatch, he was tearing at his own white hair and his back was bending in ways that should have broken it. His one kakugan was blazing and tears streamed down his pale cheeks. I ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders roughly and shook him. He only cried more and attempted to push me away.

"Get away from me!" He cried. I suddenly pulled the boy into a tight embrace. I don't know why but I did.
I ran a hand through his white hair and rubbed soothing circles on his back.

■▪■▪■▪■Kaneki POV■▪■▪■▪■

Someone had pulled me into a tight embrace and was seemingly trying to calm me down. I melted into the embrace and silent sobs wracked my body. Why am I letting my gaurd down?! The person holding me pulled me onto his lap, I still had no clue who was comforting me right now. I soon felt my eyes droop and sleep soon took me over.

A/N Hello! Important question! I have no idea if I'm even capable of this but do you guys want any smut?? I've never written smut before so I don't really know how it'd turn out 😅 But please comment your answer! Please vote it helps me want to continue this story! Oh yes and, Kaneki Uke? I'm sorry, done now, bye!♡

Sincerely: Fist

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