Chapter 30: Melody

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A/N: This chapter consists of some stuff I made up cause not much information has been given about Zeno's past before he became a dragon warrior.

I went back in time. It was no big deal, but popping up in the middle of a village definitely frightened a couple of people. I had to explain who I was and what I was doing and that wasted quite a lot of time.

I just wanted to see Zeno again. Quickly and as soon as possible, even if he does not recognize me. I could always just become his friend again. Is that too much to ask for?

I've been searching all over the kingdom for him, right now I was walking over to the next town and the quickest route was through a forest.

"Miss, are you lost?" I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. A boy with yellow hair and blue eyes who was a little taller than me stood before me.

I found you.

Happiness overwhelmed me as I completely ignore the question he posed to me.

"Miss?" He asked again since I didn't reply.

"Ah!" I gasped and flustered. "I-I am not lost."

"Really? But why would you be in a forest?" He questioned.

"I could ask you the same thing," I stated the obvious. I didn't think I would run into him in the forest, though it was true that I popped into the era where the four dragons were out looking for humans to represent them in the human world.

"I am looking for food to eat, would you like to join me miss? My village is just nearby," The male suggested. "You look hungry."

"S-Sure! Ah! My name is Ashurin, what's your name?" I asked.

"Zeno, nice to meet you Ashurin," he replied with a smile which made my heart skip a beat. This was the Zeno I would have never known when I was still alive. Even before, he was still this kind and nice.


"This is really good!" I exclaimed as I chowed down on the meal given to me.

"I'm glad you enjoy it,"the old lady who cooked for me said. She was Zeno's guardian, Zeno left me in her hands before rushing out to do some errands. I was now in Zeno's village where he was brought up in. It was a small village with not too many people, but it was cozy.

"This is the first time Zeno has ever brought home a girl, could you be his girlfriend?" The old lady asked.

I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks as I stutter in reply that I was not. Though, we are married in the future... "I am just a traveler trying to get to the next town when he invited me over."

"Oh? I wonder why that is... Was it because he was interested in you... Or because he was listening to the gods advice?" The lady wondered out loud. "Ah, don't mind me. Zeno has been able to hear the god's voice and it has saved this village numerous of times."

"Ehh, that's really cool," I exclaimed.

"I'm back!" I heard Zeno's voice resound as the door opened abruptly with light entering the dimly lit room.

"Welcome back Zeno," the old lady commented.

"Thank you, Grandma, how are you feeling now? I've got your medicine," Zeno asked in a caring tone. Is the grandmother sick? I took a look at her and realized she did look pale and sickly. Did she cook for me in spite of her sickly condition? I felt kind of guilty.

I got up and took the empty bowl. "Thank you for the meal, let me return the favor by cleaning up a bit."

"No no, you are a guest, it's fine, I'm going to do it," Zeno protested.

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