Night Number One

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"Yes Vegeta-sama!"
The low class saiyan warrior yelled as he bowed, running out of his master's room, his destination, the kitchen. His hair flew through the air as his feet dragged him forward. He huffed and puffed as he went down the hall and jumped to the center of the pair of stairs, his feet landing flat on the ground. He smiled as he began to run forward, the kitchen not far.
He slammed the doors separate as he found himself at the diner part of the kitchen.
"Uh! Not again!"
The saiyan warrior flushed red as all eyes went towards him.
"S-Sorry!" he yelled as he ran to the back of the diner.
"Is that him?" a feminine saiyan spoke among the crowd of people dining.
"Who is he?"
"Is that really him?"
"He's cute!"
"That must be . . . !"
The black haired warrior barged into the kitchen, breathing heavily as he gave out his orders from his master.
"Prince Vegeta-sama demands for food!"
The chefs looked over at the new face.
"And who must you be?" one of them spoke up.
"Me? I am Vegeta-sama's new personal servant, Son Kakarot!" Goku smiled.
"Thanks Kakarot." the Prince Of All Saiyans smiled as he sat up in his king sized bed, the chefs walking to him.
Goku blushed, "No problem."
"After all Vegeta-sama, you did save me."
Goku chuckled as he sat down near his new master, the chefs putting down their freshly cooked delights on the prince's table. Vegeta got up and walked towards the table, Goku's eyes trailing outside to the garden.
"It's like the sacred garden of the angels, everything is so bright and vibrant. So colorful. So beautiful."
Goku smiled, the chefs leaving as Vegeta spoke up, "The garden sure is beautiful this year."
Goku looked over at Vegeta, "I've never seen one so bright and colorful as this one."
"Me neither, the garden is so beautiful, it's scary."
Goku chuckled.
Vegeta looked over at Goku, "Say, want to go stroll down the garden after lunch?"
Goku blushed slightly and nodded, "Sure, I can't disagree even if I could, after all, I am your loyal servant."
Vegeta scratched his head, "Oh . . . haha . . . right."
Goku smiled brightly, causing the prince to blush.
[I got lost, walking through Madrid,
Counting stars in Paris
Dinning in New York.
Only then, losing everything I understood,
that I was worthless without you, my poor heart.]
Vegeta suddenly turned away from Goku, walking towards the table.
"Let's just not stand there, let's begin eating lunch before it gets cold."
Goku nodded and joined his short master, like if he were chained to him with a leash.
Vegeta sat down, Goku sitting next to him, his back facing his master.
The prince looked over at his servant, sighing and beginning to eat.
Goku closed his eyes, lying his head down on the table, careful not to put his hair on any food.
"Looks like no one will bid off of you." the man looked down at Goku in chains.
Goku sighed, looking at the crowd of eyes staring at him in disgust as they booed.
What was wrong with him? Why didn't anyone want him? Why wouldn't they just get him off the stage, set him free and get everything over with? Why? Just, why?! Why wouldn't anyone understand?
"Looks like you'll be going to the guillotine today buddy, no one wants you."
Goku's eyes widened, his heart starting to beat rapidly as he heard the word guillotine.
No! That isn't what he wanted! He wanted to be set free, he didn't want death!
Goku started to whimper as they dragged him over to the killing machine.
The crowd cheered, clapping emerging as fast as the speed of thunder traveling.
Goku closed his eyes tightly as he tried to break free, but it was no use.
His hands and legs were locked together with saiyan resistant chains.
His head was locked into a metal collar, more chains used as a leash.
Goku's eyes started to fill with tears, his head being locked into the lunette.
"Please! No!" Goku thought as a tear streamed down his cheek.
Goku cried as a big man grabbed a hold of the guillotine's rope.
This was it, he couldn't escape.
Goku closed his eyes, the man getting go of the rope.
This was . . . his death.
Footsteps approached the guillotine rapidly, sending vibrations up Goku's body.
Goku snapped back to reality as he looked up at the blade.
It had . . . STOPPED!
"P-Prince Vegeta!" the big man's eyes widened.
The crowd gasped as they began to whisper.
Prince Vegeta? Who was this guy?
"I demand this man to be let go." Vegeta thundered.
"We can't your highness, no one wants to bid on him, so the only decision is death."
"No you idiot! I mean to let him go because I want him!"
Goku's eyes widened.
Someone wanted him?!
The man opened up the lunette, Goku getting up as he was set free of his chains.
Vegeta looked at Goku, his arms crossing.
Goku got on his knees and bowed, "Master."
Respectful, polite, and well-mannered, these characteristics got the Prince's attention and made him smile.
Goku blushed, the figure of his new master appearing in his mind.
Prince Vegeta looked over at the elder man, "Where are his papers?"
"Right here your highness."
Goku looked up, his eyes meeting Vegeta's while he reached for his servant's papers.
"Hmmm . . . " Vegeta read through them.
Vegeta smiled, "No need to bow Kakarot. Now go on and get up, we must go to the palace at once."
Goku nodded and got up rapidly, walking by Vegeta's side.
The crowd looked over at the prince, and as always, Vegeta held his head high, exhibiting plain pride.
"That was a week ago." Goku sighed, the vivid image of his memory began to blur out.
"Son Kakarot? Time to go!" The Prince Of All Saiyans spoke up from Goku's back.
"Geh! Y-Yes Vegeta-sama!"
Goku quickly turned around and started to get up.
Unaware that Vegeta was so close to him, their bodies and noses touched, their lips only a breath away.
[And then I saw a bright light from afar that spoke to me and said: come,
Your eyes were like diamonds at that time, and at that very moment I knew ...]
Goku froze there, a thought racing through his mind, "This is your chance Goku!"
Goku smiled and took Vegeta's hand into his.
Vegeta's eyes widened, "What's the meaning of this?"
Goku took a breath, looked into Vegeta's eyes and began, "Vegeta-sama . . . "
"What?" the prince simply answered.
"I . . . I . . . "

Scouters Are Red, Night Skies Are Blue [ Goku x Vegeta ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن