Chapter Two - Official Crush

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BurgerPant's POV:

I'm overwhelmed with pure shock. I never truly thought that we'd be freed.. Yet, here I am, standing with my crush looking at the bright colors in the sky.

The real sky. It's so.. Beautiful.

We ended up deciding to stay in the Underground for a small while longer, seeing how there's nowhere to stay in the surface.
Me and NCG (nice cream guy) walked back to HotLand together.. Not sure Why He's following me, to be honest though, it's sorta comforting.


The "Sunset" is so pretty! I'm glad I get to spend my time looking at this view with Burgy~<3

Sigh, sadly that time ended, but at least he doesn't seem to mind me walking home with him.

We reach The Hotel..

"I, Uh.. Forgot my wallet here earlier.." Burgy says.

"Okay Burgy~. " I say, smiling.

He walked inside the hotel, and I am standing outside near the entrance. Suddenly I see Alphys and a fish-like girl walking towards Waterfall. They look like an odd- yet adorable- couple!<3

Suddenly BurgerPants comes out from the hotel,causing me to place my full attention on his beautiful face.

"Hey, so.. Did you need something..? You've just been following me so I thought I'd ask.." He said.

"Oh.. um, well.." Sigh. "I know you're probably going to move out of the Underground, somewhere far away.. And this might come to you as super random, but..
I've always thought you seemed so nice,
I just wanted to try and become.. Friends with you before you left, if I don't approach you now, that'd be leaving me with no chances of meeting you again." I respond honestly.

He seemed a bit flustered at my words, hopefully I haven't creeped him out..

"I see, well.. I mean.. I guess we can be friends. I'm not planning on moving out of the Underground anytime soon." He said, blushing a tad.. So cute!

"That's great! We should plan a time to hang out soon!"

"Yeah, heh.. maybe we could go to waterfall.. We could walk around listening to echo flours and eat some nicecream..?" He said shyly.

"That'd be wonderful! Why don't we meet at the Resort at 10:00AM?" I asked, excitedly.

"Sure." He said with a smile. I think that's the first time I've seen him smile.. Oh no.. I feel my face burning up..

"Well, Cya than." He said, half yawning.

"Y-Yeah, See you tomorrow!" I respond trying to hide blush.

I think I officially have a crush on Burgy. <3

((AN: Thank you all so much for reading! The comments on my last chapter awkwardly made me squeal xD

By the way, I've moved to a new house, and at the moment I don't have WiFi, so updates may be slow for a few weeks.

Please Vote and Comment to keep me DETERMINED! <3 ~(030)~

NicePants (Burger Pants x Nice Cream Guy) UNDERTALE Romance (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now