1 - The Door and the Demon

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Your stupid curiosity had finally gotten the better of you, the door was intriguing to the extent that you couldn't even help not trying the handle every time you walked past it, though it never changed as it was always locked. The door was the entrance to the old shed that was part of the abandoned house not far from yours, rumours were that it had once belong to a powerful witch, and to your dismay that witch was your great grandmother, a women you were happy you never met for the stories of her were all horrible. Even if the stories were all old tales from your town, and all the people who didn't even know her, you couldn't help but think at least some of them were true. Anyway, you were back at the old hidden away shed, it looked high over your small body and branches of all different kinds of plants covered it all over. Some flowers even grew in an odd little circle near the building, there could be even more but you weren't able to tell with all the yellow overgrown grass. You make a step closer to the door, feeling something calling out to you in an horribly annoyed tone, you couldn't make any words out but the feeling was all to clear.. and loud. This feeling you would always get when you came here, and something was different in the way the tried to persuade you, it was like they knew you had found the key. In fact you also believed you had, in an old antique jewelry box in the attic of your mothers house a rusted gold intricate key was found. Such a peculiar key couldn't possible be for anything else, especially not one from your own family. It was now in your warm hands that were graced with the light fall sun, it chilled the surface of your pale as you looked down at it wondering if this was even a good idea. Placing the key into the keyhole it unlocks with ease, immediately you can feel the temperature drop, and your blood goes cold. Yep, definitely not the best thing you have ever done, whatever was in past this door wasn't.. human. Harsh crimson eyes glare towards your figure as you open the door wide and take a foolish step in, you look in the direction to glare back.

"Oh? What do we have here.. A human?" It grins a sharp toothy smile, licking its lips with greed. Your presences was sure little compared to the monster of a women who locked him away, but something felt familiar about you and the demon didn't particularly like this.

"Wah! Hold on big guy, you couldn't possibly be a..."

"Demon? Yes, of course I am. Something far more powerful than you weak human." Catching a better glance at the male demon reveals him to have fiery scarlet hair matching his dark eyes, his body was large and toned making the chair he sat on look tiny in comparison.

"Weak human? That's what you call me when you can't even leave this building? How long have you been in here big guy?" His eyebrows twitch as they furrow into a grimace, the demon takes out his fingers and begins to count them. This dumbfounds you, he must be kidding..

"Hmm,, If I counted right, it's been around ninety nine years? Wow, not my worst!" The demon smirks proudly to himself, ninety nine years seems like a long time to you, but judging from that other comment he must be locked away often. Yeah, he doesn't seem like the brightest guy. Finally standing from his chair the demon makes his way over to you, his face nearing yours by a few centimetres, and he reaches for your soft silky hair. Leaning further into your neck, the scent is familiar to him, it was strong enough for him to know exactly who you were.

"That Witch! You're related to her?!" He breaths harshly onto the nape of your neck, the warm breath causing your cheeks to flush a pale rose. "Tch, but of course, if you're related to her you can get me out of here!" He pulls back, only to still be uncomfortably close.

"Why would I help such a stupid demon?"

"Please! I'll do anything!" The demon was now down on his knee's pleading for help, he must be extremely desperate to look so foolish.

"If you insist, then sure, but I get one wish if I help you." You cross your arms and offer the red haired demon and smug grin, already knowing his answer.

"Humph! You're a clever human, huh?

"No, you're just a stupid demon." He clicks his tongue at this.

"I can't promise the wish going right though.. I'm no angel y'know?" His irritated tone continues:
"But I accept! To break the curse we need to make a blood contract." He swiftly grabs your warm arm and looks at your fingers intently, you gasp at his actions confused.

"How do we make a contract?" You inquire, watching him closely as he lifts your thumb close to his mouth.

"Easy." He bites down on the tip of your thumb, drawing blood with ease, he then does the same to his. You blink in shook when he pushes the two of your thumbs together, the pain of the bite being all too present with this action.
Your eyes begin to tear.
And a sound of chains moving—perhaps releasing a beast— echo inside your head.

"There, now the contract is set!" The demon joyously screeches as he immediately leaves towards the door.

"W-wait!" You call and he freezes.

"What do you want woman?"

"Firstly, It's not 'woman' it's (y/n). Secondly, do you even know where you're going demon?" You point out to the hot headed demon which causes him to frown in thought.

"Kurai, call me Kurai, not demon." Kurai blushes, his cheeks and tips of his ears showing some pink, he hadn't told anyone his name for awhile..

"Kurai? Hmm, well Kurai, it would be in your best interest to follow me, rather than trying to lead the way with that clueless brain of yours." You both take a step outside the shed with those words, Kurai's eyes squint at the contact from the sun. He then pumps his fist into the air, yelling something loudly:

"Alllll righttt!! I'm gonna find the bastard who gave me to the stupid witchy hag! Just you wait! I'll beat your ass!" You sigh, ignoring most of what he said as you start to walk away already sick of the man.

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