Tales of magic

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My nan was telling me stories while she was making dinner one night, like she usually does. All of the stories were about the same thing; magic. I was only vaguely listening. She had told me the same stories for years now, ever since I was a small child, and tonight was no different.
"So you see Ashley, there used to be magic users all over Infinus. That was centuries ago that was." My nan rambled on, "They used to be all over the place. Your great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather was a magic user. A fine one he was too. He was able to craft spells that nobody could ever compete with. Of course, I only know that from the history books." She sighed in admiration. Suddenly, her face changed. "But that was before the king ordered all the magic users to be killed. Some say that a few survived, but there has never been any proof of that rumour. Besides, even if they did survive that horrid time they would surely be dead by now. Mind you though..." She paused "Their families would have lived on, so there might be tiny traces of magic left, if not any." She was talking to herself now.
I sighed. Magic was all my nan ever talked about. When I was younger I used to enjoy hearing tales of magic users and mystical creatures. I even believed that magic was still real. But after spending 9 years of my childhood believing in magic and trying to find some way that I could become a magic user, I eventually gave up. Magic isn't real and it never will be.
"Nan, I'm going for a walk okay?" I said. My nan just nodded and continued to stare absentmindedly into space.
I walked out the back door of our small, cozy cottage and into the chilly evening. I decided to take a walk to my secret place; A place called the Breakwater. Nobody ever went there, at least not anymore. It had been my secret place ever since I was little, when I stumbled into it.
My long ginger hair blew into my face, annoying me as it always did, and my olive green eyes scanned the area for any sign of disruption. The Breakwater was a large rocky overhang that looked over the ocean. People stopped going there a long time ago when someone labeled it a "dangerous" place. You see, the overhang itself isn't dangerous, it's the fact that you have to go through a forest to get there. In the past, travellers would walk through the forest because it was a supposed "shortcut". What they didn't realise was that at the edge of the forest was the Breakwater, and they would fall over the edge of the cliff and meet their fate. At least, that's what my nan told me. When I first stumbled through the forest and found the Breakwater I almost met my fate too. Except that I somehow managed to grab onto the edge of the rock overhang and just hang there above the ocean. I guess everything happens for a reason though, because if I hadn't fallen over the cliff in the first place, I would never have grabbed onto the overhang and found my secret place. There was a smaller overhang underneath the Breakwater, invisible to the eye. It was shady and covered with a layer of soft moss. And it was the perfect hideout.
Ever since that day that place has been my hiding place. My escape from the world. So you can understand my surprise when I saw a boy sitting on the rocky overhang when I arrived.

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