The truth about Kai

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The next morning I went straight to my secret place. I was curious to see if Kai was there; partly to make sure I wasn't dreaming or going crazy. However, when I got there Kai was nowhere to be seen. I have to admit I was a little disappointed, but I decided to sit down on the moss and wait. I still really hoped that he would show up again.
It had been two hours now since I had come to the Breakwater this morning. The sunlight sparkled against the deep blue of the ocean, but there was still no sign of Kai. I sighed in disappointment. Maybe it had all been a dream.
I waited a few more minutes before hauling myself up onto the top ledge of the Breakwater and walking through the forest. I was walking through trees the and staring at my feet when I heard voices. And not quiet voices either, they were really loud.
"I won't let you find it!" A male voice yelled.
"That's a bit harsh. I would have thought you had learnt to share by now." A nasty sounding man said.
I ducked behind a tree. The voices seemed to be very close. Slowly I peered around the side of the tree trunk and tried to get a better view of the owners of the voices. What I saw shocked me. There were two people in the small clearing between the trees. One of them was a sneering, nasty looking man wearing a black cloak that swept around his ankles, and the other was a younger, dark haired boy........a very familiar boy. Kai. I thought.
What was Kai doing here talking to a creepy, evil looking man?
"You'll never find the Isle. I won't let you!" Kai cried. The man's face turned into a scornful glare.
"Then I guess I'll just have to beat it out of you won't I?" The man replied. He balled his hands up into fists and lunged at Kai, ready to fight. There was a blue sort of flash and suddenly the scornful man flew backwards and hit a tree. The man's cloak clung to the man and was dripping with.......water?
"It seems we have nothing more to talk about then." Kai said calmly before turning around. And looking straight at me. He went pale. Then he pointed in the direction of the Breakwater and I slowly nodded, understanding what he meant. Without a word, Kai walked past me and headed towards the Breakwater. I followed him, looking over my shoulder at the man now lying slumped against the trunk of a tree. He was out cold.
When we reached the Breakwater again, we sat opposite each other on the soft moss and sat in silence for a few awkward moments. Kai spoke first.
"You saw all of that didn't you." He said. He still looked quite pale, but he was almost unrecognisable compared to the quiet boy I had met yesterday. I shook my head. "Not all of it, but enough to make me really confused." I replied. He nodded.
"I suppose I had better explain myself." He said. "That man you saw is one of the few people who have a greedy urge to own all magic power. They are in search of an island called the Isle of Lost Magic, a place that is apparently the source of all magical energy. It's a place that was only thought to exist in folktales and myths. Up until now that is." He looked up at me. "I assume you have heard the stories of magic users?" He queried me. I nodded. "Good. That will make this easier to explain. A little while ago there was a strange sighting. A man was fishing in the sea near a place called Armedon and he saw a strange island. He said that there was a strong energy coming from the islands' core and that the place looked almost magical. Most people didn't believe him and told him he was crazy, but for a few people this information sparked a new desire. I also seek the island, but for a different reason."
"Why do you seek the island?" I asked curiously.
Kai hesitated. "I guess I can tell you. After all, you did see me use my power already when I beat up that guy." My eyes almost bugged out of their sockets. Kai caught a look at my face and chuckled. "That's right. I have magical abilities. I can manipulate water, you see. That's how I escaped when I jumped off the edge of the Breakwater, and also how I managed to knock out that man." My mouth hung open, and Kai laughed again. "Watch this" he said. He crawled to the edge of the overhang and motioned for me to follow. Once I was sitting cross legged on the edge, he sat beside me and moved his hands over the ocean below. I watched in awe as a sphere of deep blue water separated itself from the ocean and moved up towards us. It was beautiful. I suddenly noticed something moving in the sphere and realised that there was a small silver fish swimming around happily, it's little mouth letting bubbles of air slip out. "It's amazing." I whispered. Kai grinned and slowly lowered the sphere into the water before letting it go completely. I watched as the sliver fish, now just a small shimmer in the water, joined a whole school of fish before swimming away.
"So you're not angry that I didn't tell you yesterday?" Kai asked cautiously. I turned towards him.
"Are you kidding me?" I cried "of course I'm not mad! I spent my whole childhood believing in magic and wishing that there were some way I could bring it back. Now that I know it's not extinct....that's probably one of the best things I've ever heard." He smiled. "However......" Now he looked at me nervously. I gave him a punch on the shoulder before saying "that's for not following along with the deal we made yesterday." I smirked at him. He grinned and rolled his eyes. Then his face became serious again.
"Do you want to come with me Ashley?" He asked seriously. I cocked my head and looked questionably at him. "Do you want to come with me to the Isle of Lost Magic?" He asked again. My eyes lit up at the thought of an adventure. I thought about what I would tell my nan, and how she would react. And then reality hit me.
"I-I can't." I replied.
"Why not?" He asked.
"Because of my nan." I sighed, "I can't leave her alone. She's a widow, her husband died at around the same time as my parents. I can't leave her alone, it would be too much, and too painful."
Kai looked at me, "I see. Well in that case I had better go." He said, standing up.
"What?! Don't go!" I cried.
"I have to, otherwise I'll never reach the beach by sunset."
"Please," I said feebly "At least stay one more night." He shook his head.
"Please!" I yelled "You could stay with my nan and I! I'm sure we have a spare bed, or you could sleep in my bed and I could sleep on the floor, and I could just ask my nan to make a little extra food, and......" I broke off. Why was I being so stubborn? He didn't need to stay with us, and why did I care anyway?
Kai was still shaking his head. "I told you already. I could never put that on you or your nan. But if you will be so stubborn then I will stay one more night. But only one. I leave first thing tomorrow morning." I nodded. He had that stern voice that had scared me so much when I had first met him, and I wasn't  going to argue anymore. He nodded his head at me to say goodbye. Then he jumped off the edge just as he had done yesterday, except that this time I wasn't worried about where he had gone. I even saw him land on a spout of water before jumping into the ocean.

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